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    Thursday, August 27, 2020

    Portal Of course I can

    Portal Of course I can

    Of course I can

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:37 PM PDT

    To-scale map of the Aperture Science Enrichment Centre (Using the Hammer Editor)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:38 PM PDT

    Wall-E companion cube!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 07:44 PM PDT

    Me playing portal for the millionth time when GLaDOS just wants me to solve the test

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 06:19 AM PDT

    I thought this was the BORIALIS

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 04:23 AM PDT

    The Breakfast of Scientists

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:05 AM PDT

    messy assortment of doodles

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:26 PM PDT

    Can someone photoshop this to say BOREALIS not BERGBLUK

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    You guys, I did it

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 04:02 PM PDT

    portal 3

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:21 PM PDT

    portal 3 will come out someday bru i can feel it i want it

    submitted by /u/JCrusti
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    It my 14th birthday today and I tried yo make a portal cake its kinda bad but I tried my best

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:22 PM PDT

    hidden black mesa logo!(I was screwing around at the time)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:32 PM PDT

    Portal Horror Game Idea.

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:59 AM PDT

    The Portal mechanic allows for some unsettling scenarios, such as chasing yourself forever through two patrol. Then, secondly, what would happen if you were crushed between two patrols.

    I wondered about combining those two concepts together and therefore, came the idea for this think horror game. An Aperture worker would get trapped between two patrols, sending them to a dimension of infinite mirror images of reality, getting more warped with each layer.

    The "chased alone" concept would come as a plot twist near the end. The strange glitchy monsters that stalk you throughout, ain't separate entries at all. They're simply the player's distorted yet harmless reflections and they'd been scaring them the whole time. Then according to Portal 1's bleak atmosphere: The ending is the player escaping into reality, but no time has past. Despite the horrors the Player been through, they have to go back to their regular work, no one else understanding what happened.

    Whether this would be a self-contained story, separate from the main games - Or apart of them somehow, I'm not sure. Perhaps Chell could go through before the events of Patrol 1, explaining why she's selectively mute. Or it could be an original protagonist. Which do you think is best?

    (Also, I know the most realistic answer for someone being crushed between two patrols: Is them simply dying. Though for the sake of the story, I think the dimension interpretation will be taken instead.)

    submitted by /u/Mellowix
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    Triggers reversed for Portal when plugging in a Controller

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    I'm playing Portal on my PC and plugged in an Xbox controller, however, I noticed that the left and right triggers are reversed for the Orange and Blue Portal. They're correct on my mouse and I can't seem to find a fix for my Xbox controller because the options don't seem to have a way to change the controller layout. Anybody know of a fix? Much appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MikeTony713
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    My last post on this sub for a while. Should I get another blind box turrets booster pack?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    I Finally Finished Portal 1 For The First Time

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    So I know I'm incredibly late to the game on this one, but I finally got around to beating Portal 1. I just never really had a computer to play it on until I finally bought a new gaming PC a few months ago. Anyway, I recently started a YouTube channel, and used doing a series on the game as an opportunity to play through the whole thing.

    I have Portal 2 as well, and can't wait to dive into it. Here's the last video in the series I put together in case you have any interest in watching it. The theme of my channel is basically me being an older man playing games badly btw...lol


    submitted by /u/JoeBrewing
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    Portal 1 or 2?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 05:03 PM PDT

    I have never played Portal, and I'm wondering which portal game I should buy. Should I buy Portal 1 or 2?

    submitted by /u/Ill_Championship_247
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    Or is it a lie?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 09:37 AM PDT

    some of you might know someone made Portal 2 - The Musical, which means i need to go to sleep

    Posted: 27 Aug 2020 01:17 AM PDT

    bit of a long story here - i'll try to shorten it up a bit.

    so i've got this friend i met online, and we're great buds. really, two peas in a pod here. the only problem is that she's barely even heard of portal, let alone watched a playthrough of it. the main thing i do know about her is that she's some musical theater nerd, she likes musicals. so i'm thinking here, and i get this brilliant idea, i think "hey, let's make her watch the musical, it's the whole game in like 2 two hours it'll be a great time." so at like six in the afternoon, i message her something along the lines of "you gotta see this." now, the problem here is that she's like eight hours ahead of me or something, so she's already asleep and won't see the message until two in the morning.

    so of course i do the only sensible thing, and i stay up until two in the morning, where she's saying, "alright, i'm pretty bored, i'll watch this," so i watch along with her, and she's asking me questions the whole time, and we get something like an hour and a half into the musical, and i mention the fact that it's nearly four in the morning, and of course she gets all upset because it's apparently not great health to sleep two hours a day, and i'm supposed to be asleep

    now quick flashback to a few weeks ago, where she was messaging me when it was four in the morning where she was, so i told her something like "i'm not taking off my binder until you sleep" and of course that got her to sleep, and all was good in my world

    but now, she's decided to use my own trick against me, she says, "i'm not finishing the musical until you go to sleep," and that doesn't help her because i tell her "you want to see this" and i start listing off all the things she wants to see and the mysteries she wants to solve, and she's not convinced, so i tell her, "chell kisses one of the cores" and that really sets her off, so she resorts to "i'm not going to eat until you go to sleep" and that really got me going, because i know she's didn't eat much yesterday, and i don't want to starve her.

    so anyways now she's nearly finished the musical and i'm supposed to be asleep but now i'm complaining on reddit, so the real joke's on her

    submitted by /u/Zainium714
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    To-scale map of the Aperture Science Enrichment Center (Using the Hammer Editor)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    To-scale map of the Aperture Science Enrichment Center (Using the Hammer Editor)


    Why I did it:

    To this date, even though Portal 2 has been out for nearly 10 years, there are no accurate maps of the Aperture Science Enrichment Centre. I decided to fix that.

    How I did it:

    I decompiled every map from Portal 2, and connected groups of them together in the Hammer World Editor. The large turquois grid/squares represent 160x160 meters. I took into account the fact that after most levels your orientation changed (whether you were facing North, South, East or West) and kept this constant throughout the whole process. After squeezing as many maps into one file as I could I took a screenshot of each of the three viewports (top(x/y), front(y/z), side(x,z)). I managed to squeeze all 62 maps from sp_a1_intro1 to sp_a4_finale4 into 14 HUGE maps. After doing all that I collected the screenshots together in Powerpoint, made the void transparent and started piecing it together. I exported the final product as a .png and added annotations in red.


    Most maps don't intersect with each other. But some do such as sp_a1_intro7 with sp_a1_wakeup (a few are geometrically impossible and collide with one another such as sp_a3_portal with sp_a3_end) although to be fair to Valve they probably didn't start out with a complete geometrically correct map of the facility before creating the game.

    If you look at the middle of my map, it looks like it all intersects badly, but this is not the case. You are seeing a side-on view and some of these maps are behind one-another. If this is popular I will release the top-down map and the other side-on map I am halfway through making.

    One other problem is that in-game there are references to depth such as when you fall into Tartaros. However from my measurements the facility is at least 6000m deep. This can easily be explained by the fact that Valve weren't working to an absolute science when making the game. Eg In most cases I connected the exit elevator DIRECTLY to the entrance elevator of the next test chamber, however there could be gaps in between level transitions that only Valve knows about and they could just claim that one of the elevators is much longer or shorter than it appears in-game. There are also cases where the "bottomless pits" of one test chamber intersect badly with the previous test chamber below, in which case I extended the elevator shaft so there were no intersections.

    One thing to take into consideration is that as you see multiple times throughout the game GLaDOS and Wheatley have the power to move large parts of the facility around which could account for some of these geometric anomalies.

    This map doesn't include the Cooperative Testing Initiative because the robots get disassembled and reassembled in different locations so it would be impossible to make a map of it.


    It is a lot deeper than I realised. For a sense of scale if you zoom in to Tartaros you can see how small the cranes appear compared to the entire facility.

    I've been working on a top-down map as well as the other side-on map which provides an even better perspective in my opinion. I'll release them if people are interested.

    Map List Annotations:

    1. Container Ride - sp_a1_intro1
    2. Portal Carousel - sp_a1_intro2
    3. Portal Gun - sp_a1_intro3
    4. Smooth Jazz - sp_a1_intro4
    5. Cube Momentum - sp_a1_intro5
    6. Future Starter - sp_a1_intro6
    7. Secret Panel - sp_a1_intro7
    8. Wake Up - sp_a1_wakeup
    9. Incinerator - sp_a2_intro
    10. Laser Intro - sp_a2_laser_intro
    11. Laser Stairs - sp_a2_laser_stairs
    12. Dual Lasers - sp_a2_dual_lasers
    13. Laser Over Goo - sp_a2_laser_over_goo
    14. Catapult Intro - sp_a2_catapult_intro
    15. Trust Fling - sp_a2_trust_fling
    16. Pit Flings - sp_a2_pit_flings
    17. Fizzler Intro - sp_a2_fizzler_intro
    18. Ceiling Catapult - sp_a2_sphere_peek
    19. Ricochet - sp_a2_ricochet
    20. Bridge Intro - sp_a2_bridge_intro
    21. Bridge the Gap - sp_a2_bridge_the_gap
    22. Turret Intro - sp_a2_turret_intro
    23. Laser Relays - sp_a2_laser_relays
    24. Turret Blocker - sp_a2_turret_blocker
    25. Laser Vs. Turret - sp_a2_laser_vs_turret
    26. Pull The Rug - sp_a2_pull_the_rug
    27. Column Blocker - sp_a2_column_blocker
    28. Laser Chaining - sp_a2_laser_chaining
    29. Triple Laser - sp_a2_triple_laser
    30. Jailbreak - sp_a2_bts1
    31. Escape - sp_a2_bts2
    32. Turret Factory - sp_a2_bts3
    33. Turret Sabotage - sp_a2_bts4
    34. Neurotoxin Sabotage - sp_a2_bts5
    35. Tube Ride - sp_a2_bts6
    36. Core - sp_a2_core
    37. Fall - sp_a3_00
    38. Underground - sp_a3_01
    39. Cave Johnson - sp_a3_03
    40. Repulsion Intro - sp_a3_jump_intro
    41. Bomb Flings - sp_a3_bomb_flings
    42. Crazy Box - sp_a3_crazy_box
    43. PotatOS - sp_a3_transition01
    44. Propulsion Intro - sp_a3_speed_ramp
    45. Propulsion Flings - sp_a3_speed_flings
    46. Conversion Intro - sp_a3_portal_intro
    47. Three Gels - sp_a3_end
    48. Test - sp_a4_intro
    49. Funnel Intro - sp_a4_tb_intro
    50. Ceiling Button - sp_a4_tb_trust_drop
    51. Wall Button - sp_a4_tb_wall_button
    52. Polarity - sp_a4_tb_polarity
    53. Funnel Catch - sp_a4_tb_catch
    54. Stop The Box - sp_a4_stop_the_box
    55. Laser Catapult - sp_a4_laser_catapult
    56. Laser Platform - sp_a4_laser_platform
    57. Propulsion Catch - sp_a4_speed_catch
    58. Repulsion Polarity - sp_a4_jump_polarity
    59. Finale 1 - sp_a4_finale1
    60. Finale 2 - sp_a4_finale2
    61. Finale 3 - sp_a4_finale3
    62. Finale 4 - sp_a4_finale4
    submitted by /u/mark63424
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    Lego threw a rocket at glados face

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:11 AM PDT

    P-Body humanized sketch but it’s probably pretty bad

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    Portal co-op

    Posted: 26 Aug 2020 11:36 AM PDT

    I just got portal on pc and am looking for someone to play co-op with, I've beaten it on Xbox so I'm not new to the game just new to pc. If you're interested add me on steam; minecraft_feen, if you rather talk on discord my name is niqqa#0052.

    submitted by /u/Minecraft_feen
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