• Breaking News

    Saturday, October 24, 2020

    Portal I know this trend is a little old but I made my iPhone home screen Portal theme!

    Portal I know this trend is a little old but I made my iPhone home screen Portal theme!

    I know this trend is a little old but I made my iPhone home screen Portal theme!

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    Aperture Science Virtual Reality Simulation Device

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 04:42 PM PDT

    Can somebody help me I'm stuck at this test and no matter what I do this happens, I'm planning on this 360 version by the way

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:38 PM PDT

    ITD progress (discord invite in first img caption)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:41 PM PDT

    Today is the day I got a slice of cake from glados

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 08:00 AM PDT

    Just finished Thinking With Time Machine (a Portal 2 mod) and... what happened? (Spoilers btw)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 11:46 PM PDT

    Okay, so. I just finished Thinking With Time Machine (wasn't that long ngl), and I don't understand the ending.

    So, it appears that when Chell goes to the fake surface Altas and P-Body tampered with GLaDOS so you go back in time to go see GLaDOS. So you go back in time, end up in the elevator and the game ends with GLaDOS saying, "Wait, why are you still here? You're free!" Credits roll and game exits itself. What... what happened? All that build up with Atlas and P-Body and it just ends. No conclusion. No reasoning on why Atlas and P-Body messed with GLaDOS. It's just... finished. Can someone tell me what happened. It just ended without any warning right when it got exciting!

    submitted by /u/AngryMustache9
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    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    Portal achievements

    Posted: 24 Oct 2020 02:35 AM PDT

    So I told my friend playing portal to turn on cheats because he didn't know what they did and I completely forgot that he wouldn't be able to earn trophies well he turned them on then died and died again but then he turned them off Will he still be able to get trophies because he didn't get any save point really?

    submitted by /u/216herm
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    Portal 2 Project!!!!!!!!!!! (People Needed)

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:13 AM PDT

    portal 2 has an AMAZING narrative. AMAZING. but if you want to rewatch the story... you cant. your two options are to watch let's plays and randomly skip around to hopefully hear all the dialogue, or to read the quotes on the wiki... which are sorted by character, not scene, and dont give environmental details. this makes it impossible for people who dont want to put in a massive amount of time in to experience the story of the game in one definitive place. so, i propose:


    the end product of this project would be a video, posted to YouTube, that has all of the relevant scenes and dialogue in order. it would play out like a movie, so people who haven't or don't want to play the game can still enjoy and understand the story in its entirety. it would use screen recordings of the game, so you can both see whats happening and hear it. this project has not yet started, and will need help, which ill talk about at the end.

    what would be included in the video:

    • any moment where there is dialogue (exceptions listed below)
    • plot relevant details: for some examples, getting the portal gun, finding a rattman den, introducing a new puzzle element, when cave says that portals can be placed on the moon. (this is to better help people who aren't familiar with the franchise understand what the things they're seeing on the screen are.) (most of these would be short clips: for example, when hard light bridges are introduced, the clip would show chell walking up to it and standing on it, and then the video would move on.)
    • major scenes, obviously. an example is when chell falls into the pit or unlocks old aperture.
    • small, funny details. (without lingering for too long.) it wouldn't be portal 2 if you dont show the little details! examples include the borealis dock, the elevator room screens, or when wheatly is monologuing and you can go back and he'll keep monologuing ("you're at my mercy! wait- come back! (chell goes back) FOOL! you're at my mercy, and i dont have any!"
    • exploring the enviroment: for example, the screen recorder would stop to look at the awards in old aperture, zoom in on chell's name for the potato experiment, listen to the optional/hidden cave experiment dialogue, as well as look at old posters and signs that tell you about the dangers of old ap. just so the audience is grounded.
    • ive touched on this in other bullet points, but not everyone has the time or willpower to look for the little hidden things in the game. this would make sure that you get a very full, portal 2 experience. if this project gets enough support, id hope to make a second, "uncut" version of the video that includes removed/unused dialogue and adds captions to some of the more obscure details. however, the main goal is just the video with the basic plot and in-game content.

      what would NOT be included in the video:

    • puzzle solving. some chambers take a few minutes to solve, and there is no dialogue. this interrupts the story. unless the puzzle solving is relevant to the plot, like quickly introducing new mechanics to the audience, it wont be included.

    • unimportant dialogue. for example, in the neurotoxin generator area, whealtly will ramble for - i think i lasted 4 or 5 minutes before i left - a while, just trying to convince the neurotoxin generator to shut itself off or something. while entertaining, it takes away from the focus of the project.

      What would the video look like: an example of the formatting:

    i imagine the format to look something like this: (im using chapter 1 as an example. if you want to compare this to how the game plays out, watch any lets play of the beginning of chapter 1)

    • full, uncut opening with the wheately escape. the cameraman waits at the door before opening it so you get his full dialogue. ~5 minutes
    • chell goes into her old relaxation vault. the announcer has dialogue here - this is allowed to play out. chell puts a button on the pressure pad, then enters the elevator. (this scene comes directly after the last, with no cuts). this introduces the button/cube mechanic, which lasts the whole game and is necessary for people new to the franchise. since there is announcer dialogue and new mechanics, this stays relatively uncut. ~1 minute
    • chell exits elevator, and hears funny announcer dialogue. the camera looks at the room for 5 seconds so the audience understands the setting for the scene, as well as the act. the announcer dialogue is needed, as it helps characterize aperture science, which is necessary to understand the tone of the game. its also just funny. ~15-20 seconds
    • (the scene cuts after this because there is no dialogue and it is just walking for an awkward few seconds. since the scene has been established, the video can cut to the next point)
    • in the same room as previewed earlier, chell presses a button to open a portal. this is the first time a portal is seen. she walks through the portal. this introduces the core mechanic of the game, and is necessary. (~30 seconds) (once the mechanic has been used once or twice, the rest of the puzzle is cut)

    that would be the basic format. obviously since its the intro of the game, the example i used is relatively uncut because the intro introduces core mechanics. later portions of the video would skip whole test chambers. for things like multiple uneventful test chambers in a row, it would show slow fading shots of the test chamber number so you understand that time is passing. this would be intercut with shots of the setting and the dialogue that plays at the beginning of the chamber.


    getting all of this footage is too much for one person. editing it... is too much for one person. ALL OF THE FOOTAGE HAS TO COME FROM PEOPLE WORKING ON THIS PROJECT. IT CANT COME FROM OTHER PEOPLES YOUTUBE VIDEOS. For this project, I'll need people to record the footage, people to help edit the footage, and 1-3 people who know the story well and are willing to go over the game's plot and determine what scenes and details we need, so the records know what to record and what to focus on. This creates three different groups/teams.

    Recorders: Do you want to help capture footage? if so, youll need:

    • access to the PC version of the game with LOW LAG gameplay
    • a screen recorder program. it CANNOT have a watermark on the finished product. needs to be high resolution footage. (1080p or higher)
    • (the recordings will NOT feature your voice or a face cam.)
    • (you do not need / will not be using mods or textures.)
    • (id be comfortable with each screen recorder person to cover around 1-2 chapters... so maybe 4-7 people, unless i can find more. youd be following some directions on what to record. you do not need to edit, just get the footage.)

    Editors: Can't do that? Can you EDIT video footage? you'll need:

    -a video editor. high quality. i dont know the editing industry, i dont know what software exists. just as long as its good.

    -MUST be able to export it without a watermark and in high quality. (1080p+)

    -(each editor will be responsible for a chapter or chapters. then render your final product. one editor will put all of the finished chapters together. this means you can use different software from the other editors, and will have a good amount of control over your assigned part. i dont have a number for how many editors there will be. id like more than one. considering the length of the game, id like to aim for 2-6.)

    -(i dont care if editing is your profession or a hobby or just something you picked up making minecraft youtube videos for a few months in 2014. if you can work the software at a good skill level and follow the basic outline of what needs to be included in what order, as well as making sure it doesnt look choppy, thats fine.)

    Directors: Can't do that? What about choosing the important scenes and details and acting as a sort of 'writer' for the plot? You'll need:

    • a good knowledge of the game and its history/lore and fun facts. you need to be able to identify what the important details are and include them in a way that makes sense. for example, youd need to know to include cave's quote about moon rocks being good portal conductors in the middle of the game, because it relates to the ending. youd need to include specific moments that characterize the setting and characters.
    • this will be a time-consuming job. youll be assigned a chapter, and youll probably have to piece together what is on the wiki and rewatch that chapter's lets plays over and over to make sure you have all of the correct details. youll also have to communicate with the other writers to make sure that you include details that sets up stuff for their chapters and vice versa. an example is asking someone to include a shot of the "paradoxes kill robots" poster in the first old ap chapter, because it foreshadows your scheme with glados later on.
    • be able to work with others. since writers need to communicate with each other, people on this team must be polite - this means no racist, sexist, or homophobic, etc comments can be made to other writers. you will be kicked off. this applies to the other jobs too.
    • take constructive criticism.
    • you need to be able to choose the right details and communicate that to the screen recorders and editors. remember my example about chapter one earlier? youd have to lay it out in a similarly comprehensive way.
    • must be older than 14 for this. youve gotta make a lot of decisions in this role. id set it higher, but ive seen some really creative and talented high schoolers, so thats where im drawing the age line.
    • (im hoping for 1-5 of these people, including myself.)


    The purpose of this project is to make it so you can relive the portal 2 plot without having to replay the full game. Other methods to watch the plot of the game do not exist: no one video shows the plot in order with 'filler' removed, meaning to understand the plot you need to watch 10 hour gameplay, and voice lines exist in a text format, but do not capture the visual aspect of the game, are sorted by scene rather than by character, or give context to the scene, and thus are not a full experience. This story is a masterpiece and deserves to be edited so it is comprehensive and all in one place.

    No one will claim credit for owning portal 2 or writing the story - the video is showing gameplay, and just so happens to be the relevant gameplay. However, screen capture, editing, and direction credits will be given to everyone who participates, and the accounts of those involved will be put in the description so people can find your twitch/youtube/etc if you so please.

    This project will allow you to introduce friends and family to the game even if they've never played, and also allow returning players to reexperience the story without having to play the whole thing. It also does not spoil puzzle solutions. This video will help garner interest for the game and motivate new people to play or allow those without a suitable console to experience the game when otherwise they could not.

    I have wanted to do this project for a while, but I've now realized that I can't do it alone. Even if you can't help directly, please spread the word and upvote.

    DM me if you're interested in helping. -Aurekata

    submitted by /u/Aurekata
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    I really need help

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 10:43 PM PDT

    I'm at the test chamber where GLaDOS realizes she's Caroline and no matter what I do with the orange gel,it doesn't give me enough momentum to cross the gap, what do I need to do?

    submitted by /u/The_exiled_0ne
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    Anyone know where I could find Portal 2's animation files?

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:46 PM PDT

    I want to know where I could possibly find portal 2's animation files that go with different mdl models. I'm asking because I've been experimenting with the dev console and spawning different mdl files and accidentally found a set animation thing and I want to see if I could set an animation on mdl file through the dev console. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/TankzUploadz
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    Whenever I try to spawn the rocket turret in p2, I just get an error message

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 12:01 PM PDT

    I just get a string of errors saying "Tried to connect bone follower on invalid bone [bone name here]", any idea how to fix this? I've seen other people spawn the rocket turret in Portal 2.

    submitted by /u/CartersVideoGames
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    [PSA] Nobody fucking cares that you made the Portal cake.

    Posted: 23 Oct 2020 01:31 PM PDT

    There are 638,541,248,981,128,653 other posts. STOP POSTING IT. NOBODY CARES.

    submitted by /u/Sad_Pluto
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