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    Sunday, November 15, 2020

    Portal 70s Aperture Science logo animation. I had a lot of fun making this! I was aiming for that vintage feel.

    Portal 70s Aperture Science logo animation. I had a lot of fun making this! I was aiming for that vintage feel.

    70s Aperture Science logo animation. I had a lot of fun making this! I was aiming for that vintage feel.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 09:11 AM PST

    I drew GLaDOS, not my best drawing but i hope you like it

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 03:56 AM PST

    I'm trying to learn how to render and model thing in blender, I already modelled a GLaDOS model a while so thought it would be the perfect model to practice lighting effects.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 04:07 AM PST

    First tattoo ever

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 04:13 PM PST

    I used one of my favorite portal quotes for my senior yearbook! I feel that Cave Johnson is the perfect person to represent my high school career.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Sentry Mode Activated.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 07:23 PM PST

    Here is one for those who want to suffer.

    Posted: 15 Nov 2020 02:46 AM PST

    Portal 2 on Xbox one

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:16 PM PST

    Edited a picture of Mother from I am Mother into Glados. Both are psychotic robots that can care, but probably don't.

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:02 PM PST

    Portals with oil pastels are great (for a bigger art project I’m working on)

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:55 AM PST

    Just Don't

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 08:08 AM PST

    mods vs community levels

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 02:02 PM PST

    Forgive me if this is obvious, but what is the difference between mods and the community levels you can download directly from Steam?

    submitted by /u/mireic
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    I need to read to reqd about the lore from 0 to the end, where I can do that

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 11:08 AM PST

    Can't see portal gun in portal 2?

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 10:11 AM PST

    So I can't see the portal gun in portal 2 when I'm playing. Like I cant see it in my hand. The cross hair is there just fine but I can't see glados potato. Any fixes?

    submitted by /u/alph8x
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    made a script for a portal vr game idea video,its pretty much just be spouting ideas that i would love to see in full portal vr game if they make one,there just ideas and i made this for fun im not saying valve SHOULD do this,there just my silly ideas

    Posted: 14 Nov 2020 06:24 AM PST

    Hello my fellow cultists and cult members im im your cult leader cult imagination and here with a new video

    I love Portal,anyone who knows me knows that Portal is probably one of my favorite games of all time and I just freaking love the world and its characters,esthetics,the puzzles,oh i love it all. And with the release of half life alyx a few years ago has always gotten me thinking about the future of portal and vr, even tho it wouldn't be the first time portal was put into vr there hasn't really been a full game based in vr yet which is what this video is about,what would a full portal game be like in vr,i have a number of ideas not in any particular order but if i list them down i could explain each one better,ok ready good.

    1. More intractable personality cores and characters

    Back in portal 2 we were given a new character besides G.L.a.D.O.S,Wheatley Wheatley was the first glimpse into the fact that personality cores actually have way more of a purpose then we realised,instead of just being a dampening sphere for glados the personality cores could actually have jobs and control over little bits of aperture. Wheatley being in control of the sleeping test subjects. But who knows what other cores in the facility are like,some could be there just for fun or some could actually be important like maybe a core that takes care of the neurotoxin generators or takes care of turret manufacturing,sense chell pretty much was able to destroy those easily without resilience. There could also be more characters in the game thats similar to that of the those hand core robots from that one portal hand game,maybe you could encounter some of those guys around the facility,and i totally took inspiration of this idea from harry101uk,you guys should check him out hes the guy that gave me most of these ideas.

    1. Reuse old scraped ideas

    Valve had alot of ideas for portal 2 when it was being made,id love it if they reused these ideas and maybe expand apon them. One of these being the mobile turret,this was self explanatory a turret that would be mobile,i would love this to be implemented in the game to add a spin to the game,i would also love some personality core turrets that could either hang still on ceilings or move on rails and you could knock em down and plug them in a outlet and change the test or open secret haches like how wheatley did. They could also use another thing they didnt use called the numatic diversity vent wich was going to be used for items and transport,this could be reused as a sort of check point in case the tests get even bigger than portal 2s tests and could save time in traversing giant test corses. Alternet endings were also going to be put in portal 2 but wernt because...valve is stupid idk,but i would love these alternet endings to come back for portal vr cuz in half life alyx valve was capable to hide many things in the environment and the details were imazing so implementing that in portal could make it very interesting if you could find alternet endings in this highly detailed environment

    1. Diffrent environments

    Dont get me wrong,i goddamn love apature. But we really do need a new place of scenery sometimes. Portal 2 introduced us too old aperture,simaler to the one built above it,this aperture is way more dilapidated,open,flooded,and uses the use of retired tests and old office buildings and rooms that you could go through. That was cool,and i think could show even more. One thing we never got to see alot of is the outside,at the end of portal one were able to see a very small glimps of it at the end and in portal 2 we can constantly see sunlight beaming in from the surface and obviously the ending showing you outside. So what if portal vr shows you even more of the outside,tho i assume that would be hard to do due to the presence of the combine but ill talk about that later. What they could do is that there could be tests that are either outside or having you see the outside,there could also be another location that we could visit,the moon.

    The moon was something seen actually more once in the portal series,one being the end of portal 2 and another in a portal vr mini game where you drive cars around. And of course glados would need more moon rocks for testing purposes so she most likely has an operation up on the moon so it even works lore wise. Think about how testing could work on the moon especially with low gravity,and maybe there could be use for the remote control cars for testing,calling back to the vr mini game and could be used to move cubes from high places or take out turrets where you can't reach. You can also move portable surfaces and place them in the tests to continue like you could use pieces of the moon that have been carved out of the ground and use them or you can jump and portal onto floating moon rocks. You could literally make an entire portal game just on the moon alone sense there is so much potential with that.

    1. Lore and story

    Ok here's the last thing i'm gonna talk about cuz its the longest one and its a good one to end on. First off,gaint glados,remember this picture for the soundtrack,would it be fucking awsome seeing that in vr. Just a giant ass glados spanning for miles up,my reason for this is that i always had a theory that glados is a ever evolving machine,and that's proven when glados says that she makes her own testing equipments like the co op bots and the lazer cube thing,forgot its name. It would also explain how between portal 1 and portal 2 aperture looks way different including gladoses design,i always assume the glados we see in portal 2 is actually a different body,like after her original body was left on the surface and just uploaded herself in a different body,which would make sense cuz her original body got utterly destroyed,anyway i'm getting off track,basically with this explanation they could literally make glados a very opposing force to the combine as well as give the explanation that shes either ever evolving or she made herself huge so she cant get taken down easily. Speaking of the combine, I really want the combine to make an appearance,I would love it for the player to go through the story. I'm in a similar fashion to the co-op mode which is retrieving things. This time I would love it that the story is just about stealing tech from the combine. Which means having interactions with the combine on the surface or maybe actually have them come and invade aperture itself. My reason for this is that it would make for a excellent build up for a crossover between the halflife and portal games tho i'm guessing it would require fighting which portal is not known for but that could easily be solved with puzzles that require to interaction with the combine but only with there tech, glados would most likely be smart about this because i'm sure she doesn't want any interaction with the combine so she may send the player to abandoned combine locations to gather data or send the player to un guarded locations to possibly find more about the combine cuz i'm sure she does know about them. Also the player could be a robot similar to the co op bots cuz i'm absolutely sure chell wouldn't survive out there,who knows maybe we will find her corps man would be that morbid. So basically if i had to come up with a story for portal vr it would probably be that glados is finally taking action against the combine by stealing tech and knowledge about them,sh would probably due this cuz im sure aperture can't hide forever. Then she would send a retrieving robot to go and gather data on the combine and use the tech to test with them,the robot could also be used to fix problems from far away like going to the moon to fix things which

    submitted by /u/Cult-ImaginOfReddit
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