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    Sunday, May 9, 2021

    Portal I am told my cat Aja has Portal eyes.

    Portal I am told my cat Aja has Portal eyes.

    I am told my cat Aja has Portal eyes.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Welcome to ERROR years in the futureP

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    Problem: r/Portugal has more members than r/Portal. Other problem: We have warehouses of those things.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    I saw someone's portal eyed cat so this is a diffrent portal eyed cat

    Posted: 08 May 2021 10:10 PM PDT

    bad apple!! but its played using portal 2 gels

    Posted: 08 May 2021 06:55 PM PDT

    Holy combustible lemons.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:56 PM PDT

    I'm building an AI voice assistant based on GLaDOS, what should it reply when asked for a joke? Good lore-friendly answers will be implemented and turned into YouTube video at some point! Or cake.

    Posted: 09 May 2021 02:59 AM PDT

    I can’t play Portal 2... because of why? Can someone help?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:30 PM PDT

    Any reason why this is happening? Drivers? Or just my crappy monitor?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:57 PM PDT

    Level 14, accidentally solved it an alternative way. (In the future)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    The lie.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    So, I played Portal Reloaded... (OC)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    My son just started playing portal 2 so he asked for his birthday cake to have our cat jumping out of a portal

    Posted: 08 May 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    Today's random purchase from the clearance bin of a local bookstore.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 03:20 PM PDT

    What does it usually take for a core to become corrupted without having to be in glados’ body?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 08:30 PM PDT

    GLaDOS wants milkies

    Posted: 09 May 2021 01:51 AM PDT

    Dog? Pig? Loaf of bread? (fanart)

    Posted: 08 May 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    The Enrichment Center reminds you that the Weighted Companion Cube will never complain about its working conditions and, in fact, cannot speak. In the event that the Weighted Companion Cube is suffering from accumulation of dust, the Enrichment Center urges you to put it in a box to preserve it.

    Posted: 08 May 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    I'm a little bit dissapointed

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:02 PM PDT

    In the first level of portal reloaded he tells us that the door will open in 20 years,we could wait or do time travel,but when you change the windows time from 2021 to 2051 it crashes the game... It could have been the coolest easter egg.

    submitted by /u/Pablobondaz1
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    what do you see P-body and Atlas as?

    Posted: 08 May 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    i apologize if this question is cringey but i'm just curious

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Mimosa_N
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    Which Song do You Prefer: Still Alive or Want You Gone

    Posted: 08 May 2021 07:56 AM PDT

    I love portal and hate tora dora so I made this

    Posted: 08 May 2021 03:02 PM PDT

    why is aperture science considered a “loveable villain?”

    Posted: 08 May 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    for one of my english classes (university level), I'm writing an important final paper on how villains who never get a redemption arc can still be loveable and endearing to the audience. I wanted to use aperture science as an example - thinking about the company as a whole rather than specific individuals, however characters like Cave and Caroline can still be referenced as they're a vital info dump on the state of the environment. I need to exclude specific jokes about aperture, such as voice lines that landed well. like, if you heard someone verbally retell the story of portal two in the fullest detail, describing every aspect of the story and setting without using any quotes, why would the setting and the aperture science company still be loveable/endearing? if there were no voice lines at all, what little things are planted in the environment that make it more endearing?

    I know that the comedic timing and style of voice lines, such as the absurdity of what cave Johnson says, plays a big role in how the audience sees aperture science. however, GLaDoS's lines in the first game had a certain comedic irony to them, and the game did have that humor element for sure, yet in Portal one, the environment seemed very menacing and creepy. I did not love the facility and honestly really wanted to escape without looking back. but in portal two I was a bit more endeared to the environment. What techniques were used to make that shift, both in terms of characterization through sentient characters and also scenery details in the environment, and how do they work from a narrative perspective?

    edit: in one interview (final hours of portal 2 maybe?) a lead developer confirmed that the aperture science facility itself was meant to be seen as one of the characters of the story. (paraphrased.)

    submitted by /u/Aurekata
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    Do I have to play portal 1 before 2

    Posted: 08 May 2021 11:04 AM PDT

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