• Breaking News

    Wednesday, October 14, 2020

    Portal I'm 13 years late, but I'm getting through Portal for the first time. I love this game

    Portal I'm 13 years late, but I'm getting through Portal for the first time. I love this game

    I'm 13 years late, but I'm getting through Portal for the first time. I love this game

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:13 PM PDT

    Aperture Science Presents To You... Invisible Lasers!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 06:41 AM PDT

    I finished the game, but at what cost..?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    rick the adventure sphere

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:49 AM PDT

    I made the Portal cake for my boyfriend’s birthday, and it was delicious and moist

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    [Portal 2] Was replaying one of my fav games and this happened

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    wtf happened here

    Posted: 14 Oct 2020 01:48 AM PDT

    More Animal Crossing Crossovers?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 12:25 PM PDT

    Crazy Vanilla Without Fruitcake

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:04 PM PDT

    The game gave me the achievement for beating all 6 advanced chambers, but not the achievement for beating only 4. Am I essentially locked out of 100% completion now?

    submitted by /u/MrSpiffy123
    [link] [comments]

    I accidentally made the wall -that should stop the cube from falling when you press the two buttons- launch the cube right behind me near the buttons. New speedrun trick?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:22 PM PDT

    Want You Gone - Frank Sinatra Big Band Swing Version (The 8-Bit Big Band)

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Something insane I just realized

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    In Half-Life Alyx, there's a globe of the world with North America crossed out. This already has a bunch of theories, but I realized that Aperture Labs are in the US, so that means if Chell really did escape aperture at the end, Portal 3 could depict one of the most mysterious aspects of the Half-Life universe!

    submitted by /u/Unique5673
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    Lego portal: The jump

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 08:50 AM PDT

    Anyone out there know how to make custom models and animated textures?

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 04:40 PM PDT

    I need someone to help with a mod, I am doing most of the mapping but I don't know how to model or make textures.

    If anyone knows how to make large models or animated/transparent custom textures please join here and feel free to ping me (@WAR)


    Help a fellow portal fan out (:

    submitted by /u/god_oh_war
    [link] [comments]

    Just Sharing Content!

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:56 AM PDT

    Alright, so... While I have had this account for a long time, I've only started actually using Reddit for a few months, and I still barely use it, so apologies if I get some things wrong. Although there doesn't seem to be any rules in this subreddit.

    So I have a YouTube channel where I post videos mostly related to Portal, such as this one, "Shorts from Portal and Other Games" and this one, "Pranking Poor Wheatley".

    Just thought I'd post these here in case anyone is interested in taking a look. FYI, these do contain ships. Portal is my "Special Interest" as I am autistic, and these ships are a big part of that factor. Just keep an open mind.

    submitted by /u/byakurenbreak
    [link] [comments]

    help me please!! portal loading screens are literally dark

    Posted: 13 Oct 2020 10:26 AM PDT

    whenever i enter one of the picture loading screens (i.e. with the online characters, broken GladoS, etc.) its literally dark, its hard to see what's on the loading screen.

    answers to questions I know people will ask in the comments:

    • have I messed with the games files

    the short answer, no

    i have hacked the games files, and around then is when the problem started to occur. when i started to see the dark loading screens though, I deleted all of my changes (by deleting the dlc_3 file) and the problem still persisted. so I uninstalled and reinstalled the game and there were still dark loading screens!

    • can you send a screenshot?

    I cant take a screenshot when I see a dark loading screen. if I press f12 (the screenshot button) nothing happens until whatever was loading loads it says "screenshot captured" with a picture of a pitch black screen.

    but you can just picture this: one of the loading screens, but with a semi transparent layer of all black above it

    • witch game?

    portal 2

    submitted by /u/3dimensionalCode
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