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    Wednesday, April 8, 2020

    Portal Drew Chell

    Portal Drew Chell

    Drew Chell

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 03:56 PM PDT

    The Atlas I'm working on (3D printed). P-Body is next.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Let Me Give You The Fast Version

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:30 AM PDT

    Made This for My Cake Day!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Am I the only one who sees this?

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 03:30 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 01:21 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:16 PM PDT

    Aperture drinks

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 06:01 AM PDT

    What if Portal 2 was an animated movie? Here's the what the poster could look like, drawn by yours truly.

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 12:43 AM PDT


    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    I got a new laptop and wanted to test portal on it and I went to the rat man cave in one the levels and this happened... I also got an final transmission achievement

    Posted: 08 Apr 2020 02:49 AM PDT

    Cave Johnson is a Karen

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:18 PM PDT

    When life gives you lemons, demand to speak to life's manager.

    submitted by /u/Blastbot
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    Can someone decode this?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:16 AM PDT

    I wish I could explain this.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:07 AM PDT

    Found this epic cover, from a Portal 2 soundtrack

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    Im looking for where exactly this was taken, I have a second photo from the game if that helps too

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 09:39 AM PDT


    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 08:53 AM PDT

    Half-Life and Portal crossover when?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 05:53 AM PDT

    Big sad

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 11:21 AM PDT

    I updated my computer to macOS 10.14 Mojave, which is supposed to have OpenGL and 32 bit support, and I found that it is insanely glitchy and unstable. My options are to do a windows partition, which would be impractical, or to just accept the glitchy state that my games are in.

    submitted by /u/Radioactiv55
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    Can you change controller keybindings in Portal Stories: Mel?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 04:41 PM PDT

    There are four default configurations, but they all bind movement and "looking" to the same controller stick. Looking up and down is actually impossible with all four options--it's just not bound to anything. Keyboard and mouse work fine, but that's not at all how I'm used to gaming. Is there a hidden config file somewhere that you can edit to get some same keybindings?

    submitted by /u/InfanticideAquifer
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    Was messing around in Portal Still Alive on my Xbox, found that when I started a new game, the normal source engine chat box appeared briefly, anybody know why it's there? And if it has any use in game?

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    I think I solved how much time has passed from Portal to Portal 2.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2020 12:41 PM PDT

    TLDR: Portal 1 from Portal 2 was 2 months to 2 years and the Portal 2 ending was fake

    So here's how it goes:

    At the start the anouncer says you've been in suspension for *fifty** days. And after we sleep, *you've been in suspension for *nine nine nine nine nine nine nine**. If the anouncer were to say 50k years or 20k years, he would say it twenty-thousand or fifty-thousand, I think a big ass company in space and worth billions *defunct and bankrrupt, but still would make sure of that.

    Anyways, the proof of much less time has passed is this: At the start in the right corner of the room, before the 99... thing there is a living plant, perfectly in good shape, after the 99 thing it, the plant, withered, but still standing, not fallen, in addition, if someone where to check Chell, the only one that would be able to would be Rat Man, and as we know from the comic, he sleeped in a relaxation capsule, so the only one that would be able to water the plant it would be him, and what, if he checked Chell, after what happened, he would water a complete random plant? I don't think so.

    In addition the TV is working, a crt one. I think that in 10, 100, 273, 20k or 50k years from 2010, (which portal 1 takes place around in and Chell is awaken 50 days after somewhere in around 2010, we know that from the first anouncment, and since rat man put her in the relaxation room, and the room was fairly right, I'm fairly sure she was awaken for the first time in those 50 days) the plant would be non existent and the crt not even close to even taking power in, also, same logic could apply here, who turned on the tv? Since there's an automated systen to check Chell on her position if she's looking up or down or watching a painting, there should be also one promoting aperture on those rooms, as we can see when the TV is on. Also let's say that the plant is a cactus, (which clearly isn't)It would take for the plant around 2 years to come at that state, but for a normal one, it would take around 1-2 months. So with that we can conclude Portal 2 was set 2 months after Portal 1 in 2010.

    So then, where's that all ware from in the facility and what's with the 9999999 thing? So since the Black Mesa Incident happened around 2000 and Gordon Freeman is awaken after 20 years, so we got around 2020, And since from Half-Life Alyx we know that the events in Half-Life Alyx took place 5 years before Half life 2, and Portal 1 takes place a little bit after the carbine invasion and Portal 2 took place around 2months to 2 years, I can confidently say that all this wear is from the carbine invasion and their bombings. And since from Half Life Alyx we can see that the combines are well established there, we can for sure say the the wear happened in 2010-2013 and Half Life Alyx is in 2015, the wear WAS from the combine invasion in 2011ish and the overgrown plants could have fell down to the facility and then found a way to expand even more, or spores could have fell, from the explosions and the holes they made to the facility.

    In addition, the facility wouldn't even exist from the plants if it were to be 20k or 50k years. The 9999999 thing: As I stated before, the anouncer for him to be exact, he should have said ten, one-hundrend, two hundrend seventy three, one thousand, ten thousand, twenty thousant or fifty thousand. Not one zero, one zero zero... etc etc, or five zero as in the beggining instead of 50, also the voice of the anouncer in the beggining of the change in the time, room, lightning etc get's kinda glitched and weird and then gets back to normal, so something similar would have happened to the second anouncer saying the days.

    One last thing, how do I explain the ending? (Also I think at this point everyone in this sub has played Portal 2 to the end, but if you have not, spoilers are coming for portal 2) So the ending with the wheat: Since we prooved Portal 2 was set 2 months to 2 years after Portal 1, in the end of Portal 1 there are trees and a roadway then Chell, when she got up there she should see those things right? Well since GladOS tricked the scientists into giving her access to neurotoxin as playing it out as she is good and wants to contribute into science, well a similar thing could have been happening here, trying to make a little surprise to Chell and then sneakily killing her, a little surprise such as the one with the confeti telling her what a dissapointment she is and the little surprise with the fact that GladOS would give her cake, and then slowly killing her. So what? Would she leave alone a random subject (for GladOS) that single handently destroyed all GladOS's plans and technically killed her?

    In addition when GladOS tried to lure Chell back to the testing when she escaped with wheatly, she killed her with neurotoxin. What I want to say is that the wheat fields could be only screens or an illusion by GladOS, also you are telling me that a whole entrance with a building (most certaintly) and roads and stuff got obliderated and non existent, but an aluminum hut, AN ALUMINUM HUT got saved after all those years? I don't think so, it would have gotten destroyed at least in 10 years, but let's say it was reinforced with metal from the inside (which probably was due to the heavy and thick looking door), and just aluminum from the outside, for whole facility to have goten destroyed, it would have also been too, plus it doesn't seem to have much wear other than just some rust on the walls.

    ALSO through the first part until we awake GladOS there are holes everywhere with GREEN plants coming from the ceiling, but on the ending just an indefinite field of wheat. ALSO aperture was built in north Michigan and specifically in old mines where Cave Johnsson bought the lands for Aperture to be built in and on so there should be somewhere mountains but nope, flat, straight flat wheat fields. But I got an another point...

    If it where for the facility to be 20k or 50k years in time, what about the power? I mean for 20k or 50k years in, the wiring of the facility, would just be non existent, and since the facility has been through wear, I don't think someone went there to renovate anything of the wiring and in general there, so since platforms, lights and machinery were still to operate it would be close to when the facility was still fairly fine (Portal 1). And since there was no one to call in for help after the explosion, no one went to check what was going on there so there was still power going to the facility, but since they didnt pay a bill for a very very long time, power outage as wheatly said (and still wheatly still needs more to move around, which if it were for 50k years later, it wouldn't be possible).

    And now some little things, such as how all the switces from the part with wheatly and Chell were able to operate and how GladOS would be able to operate after 20k years, also GladOS contains information of Caroline's consciousness and other stuff which have to be stored somewhere, and since GladOS was being built in around mid 80s to early 2000s and since aperture is a science company and not a tech one, all that information would have to be stored in hard drives and since information gets lost on hard drives especially on 90s ones, or even 2000s they wouldn't make it past 50 years not even close to 20k or 50k years. But we have something still left.

    What if it wasnt 20k or 50k years, but it was 273 years (as to if 9999999 was hours and not days) well here then there would apply the plant, the tv, the hard drives and more strongly now the plants and holes and mountains and a bit of the power, because at some point someone would check up on them after 273 years of giving power to them, then cutting it to them, and then no response, and 273 years isnt that far away to be forgotten forever since goverments were expecting products from them. Lastly the developer saying that they wanted Portal 2 to be 50k years into the future, in the book, could have changed at any point in development, as how they changed the ending on Portal 1 making Chell go back into the facility with that bot, and so, it isn't viable proof.

    So what are your thoughts on this?

    PS: In addition, how come some parts of the facility are destroyed and others perfectly in shape? Shouldnt all the others collapse too after 20k years? And the old Aperture? Shouldnt it collapse with all that weight after 20k years? Finally think it like this wouldn't it be more intresting if it was 2 months or 2 years after Portal 1? Have more mystery as to what's gonna happen next? If it was 20k years in or even 273 any event in Half Life would end, missed opportunity for the plot and Chell would practically be alone with no one else but Rat Man and a almost dead facility, it would have almost to none continue and finally finally, how could GladOS with a 20k or 273 year old facility could easily continue the tests with P-body and Atlas? I think the facility should be fairly new to be able to start tests again. And if you think why didn't GladOS say anything about Chell or what happened to her during the Co-op story mode? Well why would she, they are lifeless robots meant for testing without even knowing what happened before.

    submitted by /u/Korkolykos
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