• Breaking News

    Saturday, September 12, 2020

    Portal Found this on r/Animalcrossing thought it belongs here as well

    Portal Found this on r/Animalcrossing thought it belongs here as well

    Found this on r/Animalcrossing thought it belongs here as well

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Its not a low effort meme its a Wheatley style meme.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 09:21 PM PDT

    Chamber 16 Glitch

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:31 AM PDT

    I had a pretty good life

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 04:10 AM PDT

    I didn't know Thanos played Portal

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 03:16 AM PDT

    Here's a tip for all you young test designers out there

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    I managed to randomize all the voice lines in Portal 1.

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:52 AM PDT

    Who else feels like that?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:58 PM PDT

    Blursed Doggo

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 06:41 PM PDT

    After digging through my old stuff and repairing some of their legs, the bois are back together.

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:49 AM PDT

    As requested, here is the full official timeline for the events leading up to, during, and after Portal 1 and 2. This sub doesn't allow gallery posts, so here's an imgur link to the gallery. Sorry for the low quality :)

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:19 PM PDT

    Do i get p2 or p1

    Posted: 12 Sep 2020 01:49 AM PDT

    What game is more worth it

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/bluecheesemaster
    [link] [comments]

    Coming in handy here

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:11 PM PDT


    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:45 PM PDT

    this is 3

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    I made this video with my friend if you guys wanna feel frustrated

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 11:27 AM PDT

    have a big plexiglass shield around my school desk, started doodling with dry erase markers, here are a few, #2

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    I found goat simulator in psm

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:58 PM PDT

    Is Want you Gone better than Still Alive?

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 05:26 PM PDT

    Just started my first playthrough

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 04:52 PM PDT

    Just started playing. Im only about 10 minutes in and I love it so far. Wish I wouldn't have let this game sit in my steam library all these years.

    submitted by /u/Frys_Grandpa
    [link] [comments]

    Portal 2 items

    Posted: 11 Sep 2020 07:33 AM PDT

    I have portal 2 items. And I don't know where to sell them or do people even buy them anymore. If anyone here is interested I can trade

    submitted by /u/ToolyHD
    [link] [comments]

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