• Breaking News

    Sunday, April 12, 2020

    Portal Cat figured out how to use the portal gun.

    Portal Cat figured out how to use the portal gun.

    Cat figured out how to use the portal gun.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:13 AM PDT

    Found some cube models and decided to print them, they came out nice!

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:28 AM PDT

    Jump Thrice Walkthrough (a chamber I made)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 11:59 PM PDT

    ArE yOu StiLl tHeRE?

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:17 AM PDT

    When you beat the game for the first time

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    Funniest stuff I’ve ever seen

    Posted: 12 Apr 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    I lost some pieces of my lego dimentions portal set but I made some "upgrades?"

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:39 AM PDT

    1 or 2?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:39 PM PDT

    Is GLaDOS aware of the Combine invasion?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:23 AM PDT

    So I played through Portal 1, and during the final battle, I decided to listen to all of GLaDOS' voice lines, just for fun. But I couldn't help but notice that she says some things that make it seem she knows about the Combine. Now, of course, I'm not saying this is true. Maybe GLaDOS just wanted to scare Chell to keep her from escaping, but I wanted to share my observations. I should also mention that I found some interesting lines in the lyrics of Still Alive, as well. And I'm sure someone probably noticed this way in the past, so know that I just found out about this by finishing the game. So here goes:

    During the final battle, after you destroy the 3rd core, (the blue one), GLaDOS rants about how Chell is making a serious mistake by destroying GLaDOS and escaping Aperture. During that time, she says these 3 lines:

    "Are you trying to escape? Things have changed since the last time you left the building. What's going on out there will make you wish you were back in here."

    "I have an infinite capacity for knowledge, and even I'm not sure what's going on outside."

    "All I know is I'm the only thing standing between us and them. Well, I was."

    So I'll focus on them line by line. Firstly, GLaDOS says that "things have changed last time you [Chell] left the building". Not only does this suggest that Portal 1 isn't Chell's first time in Aperture, she also seems aware of the Combine invasion (as we know, HL and Portal are in the same universe). This is backed up by the line: "What's going on out there will make you wish you were back in here.". Obviously, something isn't right "out there" and GLaDOS knows it. She knows about the Combine's inhumane treatment of the citizens and how Chell REALLY wouldn't enjoy her time with the Combine.

    Next, GLaDOS says: "I have an infinite capacity for knowledge, and even I'm not sure what's going on outside.". This to me sounds like even GLaDOS cannot comprehend the overwhelming technology and inhumanity of the Combine. GLaDOS was built way before the Combine invasion, and since everyone in Aperture is dead, nobody can "teach her", airquotes, about the Combine.

    Finally, GLaDOS says: "All I know is I'm the only thing standing between us and them. Well, I was.". This is a tricky one. I think that even GLaDOS is aware of her inferiority compared to the Combine. She even says "us and them.". I think she says "I was" because, before the Combine, she was the most advanced robotic technology in the world. But, of course, since the Combine invasion, she became very inferior due to the Combine's power. I think she knows thet she cannot defeat the Combine. I think that, since she gassed the facility, she developed a great sense of power, but, realizing how advanced the Combine are, she's aware that her power is nothing compared to the Combine.

    In Still Alive, we have the lyrics:

    "Go ahead and leave me
    I think I prefer to stay inside
    Maybe you'll find someone else to help you
    Maybe Black Mesa

    I think GLaDOS is saying that she'd rather stay in her facility, rather than experience the horrors of the Combine. Also, she might be hinting at the destruction of Black Mesa. As we know, in HL: Opposing Force, GMan destroys Black Mesa using a thermonuclear bomb. So I think she says "that was a joke" because, during the Combine invasion, Black Mesa is long gone.

    Also we have the lyric:

    "When I look out there, it makes me GLaD I'm not you"

    This one; straight to the point. She knows Chell escaped and has to deal with the Combine. Knowing how inhumane the Combine are, she's glad that she doesn't have to experience the Combine.

    Finally, as a small bonus:

    In Portal 2, one of GLaDOS' lines is "Do you know who else murders people who are only trying to help them?". And, In Portal 1, during Chell's escape, she wants Chell to go back to the testing area. She wanted to incinerate Chell before Chell started escaping. I'd say GLaDOS says wanted to "help" Chell by killing her without her knowing of the horrors of the Combine.

    I'm very aware that this most likely isn't a new observation, and I'm sure somebody discovered this before me. If they did, more power to them. I couldn't be happier to know that we have a common idea. And, of course, I'm very aware that everything I've said might not even be true. It might just be my mind associating these lines with Half-Life, so I just want to say that I don't mean to convince everyone that this is true, It's just something I noticed and I wanted to share it with you.

    Stay safe, Reddit!

    submitted by /u/TargaryenAndStark
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    Portal 2 campaign coop

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    Anyone from Mexico to help me in the portal 2 campaign?

    submitted by /u/WeaselCrazy
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    How can I get more items/objects to place in the level editor? (Portal 2)

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 05:33 PM PDT

    Title says it all : )

    submitted by /u/KayvaanShrike1845
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    Made a dual monitor desktop background! Even though I know there are probably plenty of these, I wanted to share mine just in case anyone wants it.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:41 AM PDT

    Does anyone remember cosmetics for portal 2?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:44 PM PDT

    In portal 2 co-op you could customize your character but I think only one cosmetic was released; was valve ever gonna expand on that or...?

    submitted by /u/consumption45
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    Digital realm levels are insane

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 01:37 PM PDT

    Which companion cube Is the better version

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 02:19 PM PDT

    Easter Egg Hunt made just for anyone stuck inside this Easter.

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 03:27 PM PDT

    In the ending of portal 1, there is an outside area with what seems to be a drivethru of some sort. In the ending of portal 2, it’s a giant wheat field. Are the endings in the same spots? Did glados change the location of her chamber? Is the wheat just overgrown over the ending of portal 1?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:26 PM PDT

    The Portal Paradox Solved: A Headache-Inducing Overthought

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    The Portal Problem is perplexing to ponder. After 4 hours of pondering, the very tired, delusional writer of this unneeded, overthought-essay who really needs a nap believes that she has come to a solution. Here is the best explanation the probably ill writer of this could type into notes.

    I like to think of a portal from the game Portal as a doorway with the entrances/exits on different surfaces. In the game, Chell can stand with one leg on the orange side of the portal and one leg on the blue side, stopping in the middle like she is halfway through a door.

    When contemplating the portal paradox, I thought about the instance of the portal stopping when it is moving towards your person. If the portal is dropped towards Chell (with the exit on the floor somewhere) then stops at her waist, then she will be "between" both portals as if there is a hole in the floor since and entity stays whole as it goes through a portal. If the portal proceeds to move she will be on the other side, but since she is not moving she will be on the edge of the portal perpendicular to the floor. Chell will then drop through because gravity, but the other side is still moving so she could be stuck in the middle if the moving side is falling at the same rate as her. It's a little confusing since the middle of both portals is a division/difference of gravity where the stationary side isn't moving while the other side is falling. But the portal is one structure with 2 sides in 2 different locations. So Chell would be falling and stationary but she would also still be one body. If she could feel it, she would feel like she's falling but from the static side she'll look like she's floating.

    It's hard to grasp. Just think of a falling box containing a motionless room with a hole at the bottom. Say you're falling with it with your waistline in line with the opening and you and the object are falling at the same rate but you're upper half still stays in the static room so everything looks motionless but you feel like you're falling, because you are.

    If you were you witness a person go through this, you would see a a falling block with a hole in it coming from above with a person's bottom half of their body outside the hole with their upper half on the inside of the block. But the inside of the block is a huge room that definitely doesn't fit the block.

    Lets say the moving portal is on a wall with its other half on a stationary wall. The moving orange side of the portal shoots towards Chell and she ends up on the blue stationary side, right on the edge since the portal passed through her but she was not moving. It's almost like walking through a hoop, if the other side was in a different location. If Chell was not the only entity the portal would be coming at, the items would pile up right on the edge of the portal, being pushed by the following items/ people/ machinery.

    My eldest brother asked me what would happen if the portals would move towards each other, he said the enterer of the portal would be crushed, he's correct but there's more details. If the portals are pointed towards the other and they were stationary, then one could walk in a straight line through both portals for eternity. If these portals were to quickly drift toward the other with someone in the middle of their path, that someone would be crushed between the walls. Not only that but once the portals come so close together that the person in the middle cannot stretch their humerus outwards. If they were to stretch their extremities they would be hitting themselves at the speed of the portals from both sides until they gruesomely collapse into a singularity and become a black hole.

    They wouldn't actually, they'd be squished into a flat portal-sized shape.

    Anyways, my brain hurts, have a good day.

    Also, this did actually take 4 hours of sitting on a couch, staring at a wall and just contemplating portals.

    submitted by /u/EczemicQuetzalcoatl
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    Is there a way to make custom test chambers in portal 2?

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 04:02 AM PDT

    The title is pretty self explanatory can you make your own test chambers in portal 2? What got me thinking of this is the pinned post on this sub reddit. And if it is possible can it be done on the xbox version?

    submitted by /u/curlydude2015
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    Any lesser known Portal mods

    Posted: 11 Apr 2020 07:28 AM PDT

    Are there any small mods for portal 1 you can think of? I'm trying to get basically every mod in existence, and I've got the larger ones like rexaura and portal prelude.

    submitted by /u/GLaDOS815
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