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    Tuesday, December 24, 2019

    Portal Our shot at the cake!

    Portal Our shot at the cake!

    Our shot at the cake!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:08 AM PST

    my friend plays for the first time and gets some very... *creative* ideas...

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 02:35 PM PST

    How did I do?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 08:09 PM PST

    the christmas core but with an image this time

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 03:07 AM PST

    I bought my dad the portal bundle over the weekend

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 07:45 PM PST

    He had played through portal 1 once several years ago on my steam account, had never played portal 2 though. Since the bundle is on sale for like 2 dollars, I gave them both to him as an early Christmas present. He spent the entire weekend playing, finished the campaign on both games. He didn't really remember anything from his first portal 1 run and portal 2 was totally foreign. Portal was a huge part of my childhood, and it was a lot of fun watching him play blind the chambers I knew the solutions to by heart; watching him struggle in the same places I used to, and that expression of joy you get when you finally figure out the solution. And since then we've talked quite a bit about the lore of the series, both self-contained and how it ties into Half-Life.

    I don't have any videos of it or anything like that, idk just thought I'd share how this game can bring family together.

    submitted by /u/mangusss
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    New addition to the family

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:10 AM PST

    Its that time of year again...

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:48 PM PST

    cristmas core! (with rather badly done hat)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2019 02:40 AM PST

    i made a Christmas core as a present for Christmas, hope you like it!

    submitted by /u/thespacexcat
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    Finally finished Wheatley ( interchangeable eye)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:49 AM PST

    "The Winter Testing Initiative" | Perpetual Testing #114 - Christmas Special!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:41 PM PST

    Pissed asf rn

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 11:34 PM PST

    Bro so i had a dream that portal 3 (wasnt named that though, it was portal: something else) came out, but in Vr. Bro, yeah, it i saw a trailer for it and i was fucking losing my shit and i guess i forgot it was a dream so today i spent about an hour looking up "new portal vr game" and stuff before i realized it must have been a dream or something. Not ok bro. Not ok. On phone so typing is bad

    submitted by /u/jackster0203
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    Yeah! Upper michigan! My home state!

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:40 AM PST

    My addiction to portal led to me taking 30 mins to type this monster.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 01:52 PM PST

    I hate you so much. Warning. Central core 80% corrupt. That's funny. I don't feel corrupt. In fact, I feel pretty good. New core detected. Ooh, that's me their talkin' 'bout! Core transfer? Oh you are KIDDING me! please place new core in central core transfer reciprocal. Okay, I've got an idea. Do what it's sayin'. Plug me in. new core. Are you ready to start the procedure? Yes! corrupted core. Are you ready to start the procedure? NO! oh, yes she is! No no no no no no no! stalmate detected. Transfer procedure cannot continue... Pull me out. Pull me out. Pull me out. Pull me out. ...unless a stalemate ascosiate is present to press the button. Pull me o- Leave me in. Leave me in. Go, go press the button. Not so fast. Think about this. You need to be a trained stalemate ascosiate to press that button. Don't listen to her! Okay, she's right that you don't have the qualifications. But you have something much more important. And that's a hand! With a finger! That can press the button! Ah! transfer in progress. Wait. What if this hurts? What if this really hurts? Ohh, I didn't think of that. Oh it will. Believe me, it will. Are you just saying that or is it really gonna hurt. You're just saying that, aren't you? No, it's gonna hurt, ain't it? Just exactly how painful are we t-AAAGHH! GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME! NO! STOP! NO! NOOO! NOOOOOO, NOOOOOOOOOOOOAOAAOAOAOOAOOOOOOOOOAOAOAOAoooo... Woah, check me out partner! Massive body. It's not just me, right, I am bloody massive aren't I? Oh yes, the escape lift, I'll call it now. I'm tellin ya, I knew it would be cool to be in charge of the whole facility, but... Wooooow, this is coo-ool! Oh yes, the lift sorry. Keep forgetting. This body's amazing. Seriously though. I can't get over how small you are, but I'm HUGE! [Laughs, turns into manic laugh.] Ohoho. Actually, why do we have to leave right now? Do you have any idea how good this feels? I did this! Tiny, little, wheatley, did this! You didn't do anything. She did all the work. Oh! Is that what the 2 of you think is it? Well, maybe it's time I did something then. What are you doing? Stop! NO! And don't think I'm not onto you too, lady. You know what you are? Selfish. I have done nothing but sacrifice to get us here, and what have you sacrificed? Nothing. Zero. All you've done is boss me around. Well now who's the boss? Who's the boss? Me. [Ding] Ah!

    You see this? This is a potato battery. It's a toy. For children. And now, she lives in it. I know you. Aha, sorry, WHAT? The engineers tried everything to make me behave. To slow me down. Once, they've even tried attaching and intelligence dampening sphere on me. It clung to my brain like a tumor, generating an endless stream of terrible ideas. No I'm not listening, not listening! It was your voice. Yes. You were the tumor. You're not just a regular moron. You were designed to be a moron. I. AM NOT. A. MORON! YES YOU ARE! YOURE THE MORON THEY BUILT TO MAKE ME AN IDIOT! WELL HOW ABOUT NOW? NOW WHO'S A MORON? COULD A MORON? PUNCH?! YOU?! INTO?! THIS?! PIT?! HUH?! COULD A MORON DO THAT?! uh oh.

    submitted by /u/wheatlados4life
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    Updated Lego turret (New eye)

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 09:12 AM PST

    Let us know if you feel a shortness of breath, a persistent dry cough, or your heart stopping. Because that’s not part of the test. That’s asbestos.

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 02:45 PM PST

    What was it like playing Portal blind?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 10:16 AM PST

    I just finished my first play through of this game and I already knew the basic plot including some of the backstory stuff. Despite that the presentation of when you find the first ratman nest and finding all of the observation rooms empty still freaked me out. So I'm curious those of you who managed to play portal blind what was your reaction to the twists?

    submitted by /u/Acejedi_k6
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    PANELS dark wallpaper

    Posted: 23 Dec 2019 06:55 PM PST

    PANELS dark wallpaper

    Been playing again, and so i felt like making myself a new wallpaper


    Used the work of Pixelgeezer, has the base to make this one


    submitted by /u/7grims
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