• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 15, 2019

    Portal Is it just me or does the Citadel in the HLA trailer have an Aperture vibe? kinda neat

    Portal Is it just me or does the Citadel in the HLA trailer have an Aperture vibe? kinda neat

    Is it just me or does the Citadel in the HLA trailer have an Aperture vibe? kinda neat

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:06 AM PST

    Had a strange dream about a concept for a new portal game

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 03:25 PM PST

    So a couple of days ago I had this really long and intricate dream about a new Portal game. Let me summarize it.

    So in it, you play as GlaDOS on the day after Bring your Daughter to Work day. It's a sort of management tycoon game, where you have the abilities of GlaDOS and you need to manage the whole facility while doing science and making money in order to buy things. In the beginning Aperture is relatively small in size, not many robots other than a couple of cores. Your look is a much more rough and rudimentary version of the Glados from Portal 1. The game works in a 3rd-person top-down view. You can spend money to place blueprints for all sorts of things, like different components of a turrret production line. To construct these things you need to send an asset construction bot that looks like a core with arms and tools all around it. Some buildings may require special things to be manufactured. Also, cores. Cores can be controlled by moving them around like a unit in RTS (only on management rails; you can build those too) or set on to autopilot, turned off, stored, or programmed for certain jobs. Different cores can also be attached to GlaDOS (yourself) to get different abilities, powers, and stats. Some things can be shipped out and sold for money, like the boxed up turrets. You can unlock new things by collecting science points which is gained by testing on either human test subjects that you can purchase for a large sum of money, kidnap, or construct different models of testing robots like Atlas and P-body (unlocked much later in the tech tree). Additionally, the game has a Fog of War system where you cannot see anything (in live) outside of the views of GlaDOS, Cameras, or your robots. The Test Subjects are also intricate, with mood and other stats. They will try to escape if treated badly. They can be equipped with different things such as the Quantum Tunneling device or other tools. Also, GlaDOS has a science requirement. The better cores you have, the higher level you are, and the bigger the facility is, GlaDOS requires more testing points each day. Every time the testing point quota is not met, GlaDOS' sanity goes down slightly. Once it gets below a certain threshold, you will completely lose control of GlaDOS and she will attempt to kill everything. You can also unlock the Panels system and control these Panels after they have been manufactured. Additionally, the game will have a multiplayer mode where one person is GlaDOS, plus two teams of Bots and Humans. The goal is for as many humans to escape by the end of a time limit, or it can just be an ongoing game. When playing as a human, it functions just like any other Portal game. There is live voice chat for the humans and bots. GlaDOS can speak through cameras or loudspeakers. GlaDOS and the bots have different voice changers. The game ends if the GlaDOS core is killed or the facility is destroyed. I can't really remember many more details, but think of it as a management game where you control Aperture while playing as GlaDOS, upgrading yourself, testing and researching new technologies, manufacture robots, make money, and stay alive at all costs.

    submitted by /u/Brockster17
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    ��Christmas Companion Cookie��

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 01:28 PM PST

    Portal 2 Sixense MotionPack DLC

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 02:56 AM PST

    Hey is there any eay to emulate razer hydra and play with keyboard and mouse (or joy cons) because i̶'̶m̶ ̶c̶r̶a̶z̶y̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ I really want to play it

    submitted by /u/TheMathKing55
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    Found this on the Arg subreddit, thought it was a perfect post for here.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 09:56 PM PST

    portal 2 coop.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:57 AM PST

    Hi im looking to play with someone portal 2 coop for the accivments here is my steam profile :comment on profile or add me at friends https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198276637259/

    submitted by /u/Peace603
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    Alternate Timeline

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:44 AM PST

    So about the youtube videos for portal 2 showing the new elements and portal is free video and the cave johnson videos like bot trust and the other three. We know that Perpetual Testing Initiative is in a alternate reality where cave johnson didn't die from moon rock poisoning, so could these videos take place in that timeline, especially the four ones with him? Maybe the showing testing elements is within the same timeline because they were made in 1998 and it must be before glados was launched in 1998. So are all those videos in an alternate timeline or some of them and if it's some of them which ones do you think are in an alternate timeline?

    submitted by /u/TheMathKing55
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    Perpetual Testing Initiative

    Posted: 15 Dec 2019 03:24 AM PST

    Perpetual Testing Initiative

    So am I dreaming or what? What Cave Johnson messages? What unvierses? When do the cave johnson lines play and who the fuck is greg. Did cave johnson put himself in glados? This has a storyline? I don't understand anything. Please explain it...


    submitted by /u/TheMathKing55
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    Is it possible to mod Aperture Tag to have better voice acting?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 10:57 PM PST

    Anyone else notice this

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 11:33 PM PST

    What is this turret saying?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:27 PM PST

    i was browsing through portal 2 files and i found this mysterious sound file. it sounds like its from one of the turrets but what is it saying? https://www.mediafire.com/file/v3xwqntpiysykul/sp\_under\_potatos\_v1\_01.mp3/file

    submitted by /u/zombiedean06
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    Opinions on a Portal Fan-Fiction I'm writing. "What if Aperture Science caused the Resonance Cascade?"

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:25 PM PST

    This is a rough plot mockup of what I'm planning on doing. The story takes place in an alternative reality where Aperture Science is the one who caused the Resonance Cascade instead of Black Mesa. Following a small group of survivors, they must find a way to stop the Cascade.

    Chapter 1:

    It has been over 2 months since GLaDOS came online and trapped the Aperture Science staff in the Enrichment Center. Angry at GLaDOS for their situation, the staff starts a worker's strike against the computer. GLaDOS proposes a compromise to the staff. She has discovered a mysterious crystal that has been previously donated to the facility. In theory, it could potentially make the most powerful portal gun known to mankind.

    The deal was if the Staff develop a portal device using the crystal then it would render all portal efforts obsolete and therefor win the race for portal tech. Only then can GLaDOS will allow the staff to leave willingly. Weighing their options and the fact that the morality core will prevent her from killing them, the Staff agrees to her terms.

    Chapter 2:

    After an entire year of research and development, the Aperture Science Multidimensional Portal Device has been created. GLaDOS confesses her pride in the humans for developing the device and the first test fire will be done the following day. Out of the celebrations came a single concerned voice. That voice belonged to Issac Bernhardt.

    Issac was a senior member of the original team that created the modern Portal Gun. After running GLaDOS's math again, he discovered that the computer was lying about the device. She claimed that the device was safe and only had a .023% chance of a resonance cascade, it was really about 48.9%. Fearing that Issac's objections would force the Staff to build the device again from scratch the Staff kills him by throwing him into a test chamber's acid moat. His last words were "Prepare for Unforeseen Consequences" before dying to the acid.

    Chapter 3:

    The testing day has come. While the team begins preparations to fire the device, GLaDOS gives a lengthy speech and reads all of the names of people who "died for science" including Isaac's name. His last words still ringing in the minds of the staff, they start the test. The device powers on and creates a massive green portal. An alien landscape reveals itself on the other side. Shortly after the entire facility begins to rumble viciously, knocking both power and GLaDOS offline. Before any of the staff can understand that is going on, they see a small creature scurry across the floor and kills one of the technicians by latching onto his head.

    Chapter 4:

    Horrified by the attack they have just witnessed, the emergency kill switch was activated for the device. Although the device stopped in its tracks, the portal still remained. A warm green glow appeared behind the staff as another portal opened out of thin air. Retreating back to the former employee Isaac's office the scope of the event is just now being realized. Portals are opening everywhere within the facility and flooding the halls with alien creatures.

    Safe in Isaac's office they bicker and debate on what should happen next. Some believe that this is their chance to escape Aperture for good, others believe that karma finally caught up with them and this was their death sentence. Out of the infighting, Isaac's Journal was found. Reading through they discovered that the Cascade really was and how dangerous it was if not stopped. With a new sense of responsibility, the staff appears motivated but relents that they cannot do the calculations fast enough to make a difference. The only entity possible of doing the calculations to retune the device was GLaDOS herself. Faced with no other options, the Staff decide to restart GLaDOS and make a few modifications along the way.

    Chapter 5:

    Upon looking at GLaDOS's lifeless husk, it is apparent that GLaDOS is going to need repairs before she is in any shape to function. Splitting off into groups, Group A will venture into the original GLaDOS chassis center in Old Aperture while Group B focuses on regaining power back to the facility.

    Group A breaks the seal to Old Aperture and while traversing the old facility find more alien creatures inside the facility. As they travel deeper they trade stories about Old Aperture. Stories of missing astronauts, mantis-human hybrids, and the Borealis tell like horror stories as they close in on the old AI chamber. After collecting the necessary parts from the 1980s alpha version of GLaDOS, an idea comes up. If the cores on GLaDOS 1.0 work as guides for her actions, then why not make new cores that will turn her into the perfect alien killing machine?

    Tinkering inside the old lab, the group finds a few old 1980s cores. The first was the Mcarthy Core, presumably a joke among the old scientists, the core started to speak anti-communist quotes and started accusing the survivors of being Communists. With a few modifications, they were able to retune its anti-communist views to be anti-alien views. Now the core tolerated all human beings but nothing that remotely looked alien. The second was the "Love" Core, apparently an attempt to teach a robot to love, it came off as a creepily clingy personality. With enough tinkering, they reprogrammed the core to be less creepy and more loving of humans. With this, GLaDOS may actually respect and love humanity. Satisfied with the parts and cores, the crew starts making their way back to the Enrichment Center.

    Group B begins making its way toward the primary Reactor to restart power to the facility. Along the way, they encounter a horde of zombified engineers who fell victim to the creatures teleporting through. Eventually coming across a security office, the group beings looting gear. Now equipped for the job, they fight their way through the horde. Once finally reaching the reactor, they find different aliens walking around the control room. These aliens appear to be bigger and less feral looking than the others they have seen. Barely escaping undetected, the group restarts the reactor and power is restored. Retreating back to the Central AI Chamber, they discover that these aliens are some form of a soldier as they speak to each other giving orders.

    Chapter 6:

    Both groups reunite and begin their preparations to restart GLaDOS. Removing the Cake Core and the Curorisity Core and replacing them with the Human Core and the McCarthy Core, the team hopes that it will be enough to fix GLaDOS. GLaDOS jolts back online and begins speaking with the survivors. The Staff explains their situation and what needs to be done. GLaDOS begins drafting a plan to contain the aliens and protecting the surviving staff. GLaDOS makes a startling discovery, not only are the aliens being teleported in but there is something on the other side keeping the portal open. Deducing that this figure must be stopped to fully contain the facility, GLaDOS recommends that someone go through the portal and kill the creature. Viewing the portal as a death sentence, the staff draw straws. Jessica, an intern at the time of GLaDOS's takeover drew the shortest straw. Providing her with a modified space suit from storage and improvised weapons. The Staff says their goodbyes to her as she enters the portal.

    Chapter 7:

    On the other side, Jessica starts exploring the alien landscape. Massive landmasses float in a near-endless void as alien creatures fly in the space. Finding it both terrifying the beautiful at the same time she pressed forward. In the distance, she could see a large floating mass with an ominous red glow above it. That was her target. With the Dual Portal Device loaned to her by GLaDOS, navigating through the alien land was extremely easy. However, the altered laws of physics and limitations of the portal gun itself made jumping between floating islands necessary. She finds herself fighting off a large assortment of creatures eventually finding herself in the arena of the Gonarch.

    Chapter 8:

    The giant four-legged creature attacks Jessica. Using her entire arsenal, she was able to obliterate the Gonarch. Pressing forward, Jessica finds herself in an alien factory. She discovered that the aliens that have been flooding the Enrichment Center were slaves of some sort brutalized by the ones Group B witnessed lurking inside the Reactor room. Throughout the factory, she begins to piece together the story of the aliens and their forced alliance to the creature keeping the portal open. After exiting the factory, she comes face to face with the creature causing the havoc in Aperture, the Nihilanth. A lengthy battle ensues with Jessica coming out victorious. With the Nihilanth dead, the portal to Aperture closes and so does it's child portals. Shortly after exiting the cave and retreating back to her original insertion point she finds that the portal to Aperture is gone. Now trapped in the alien realm, Jessica sits down an accepts her fate. However, a voice calls out to her from behind.

    Chapter 9:

    GLaDOS is elated to see that the portal is closed and so are the staff. With the new cores altering her behavior, GLaDOS unlocks the building and allows the humans to leave.

    Chapter 10:

    The voice behind Jessica belonged to a tall and slender man wearing a black suit with a briefcase. He congratulates her on the work done in the alien realm known as Xen. He states, however, the events that transpired are an anomaly of sorts, an anomaly of a different timeline. The man continues in saying that he has been ordered by his "employers" to see the anomaly to its logical conclusion and so offers Jessica a deal. Work for him and his employers or die in Xen. Faced with no other option, she accepts and disappears from Xen.


    The survivors of Aperture find out the surface hasn't changed much since they last left GLaDOS's clutches. The events of Aperture were dubbed the "Aperture Disaster" by the media. Any and all attempts to reach GLaDOS were unsuccessful as she locked down the facility again to protect her new toy. However, in the months taht followed the disaster, green portals would begin to open randomly throughout the world allowing more aliens to lay waste to the world. Eventually, the world becomes the target of the Combine and commence their war against Humanity.

    In a war that lasted 7 hours, GLaDOS reached out to the Combine directly and proposed a deal to end the war. GLaDOS is installed as the Combine Representative of Earth and begins constructing Combine Test Cities across the planet. Using the Combine's advanced technology, GLaDOS upgraded herself and accidentally found the part of her programming that laid dormant for years, a brain scan that belonged to a woman named Carolyn. Researching this woman farther, she found all about Aperture's past and Cave Johnson.

    With this knowledge of her past life, GLaDOS would eventually use her intellect and combine technology to create an avatar. Part machine and part human, the Combine authorized the creation to be used for public appearances and propaganda. While GLaDOS ruled and operated on the behalf of the Combine, this puppet would be her literal face that humans can see. Taking the appearance of a youthful woman resembling GLaDOS when she was still human, the figure would be referred to as "The Mother of Humanity" in propaganda. 10 Years after GLaDOS and the Combine took control over Earth, Jessica gets teleported onto a train heading straight for Combine Test City 17.

    Again this is a rough draft, things can change and I have a lot more ideas I just didn't transcribe. I really appreciate you reading through this and criticisms and thoughts are greatly appreciated as well.

    submitted by /u/SirReginaldTheIII
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    Is there a canonical reason for GLaDOS looking different in portal 2?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:10 PM PST

    I was wondering because I was replaying Portal 2, and I noticed that in the area where you get the Portal gun, there's a drawing of Chell facing down GLaDOS on a wall, and GLaDOS looks like she did in P1. Did something on her faceplate break off when Chell defeated her?

    submitted by /u/Delta_10
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    Portal glitchless 23:59.04 [PB]

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 08:21 AM PST

    A New Portal Game?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 05:05 AM PST

    So because Half Life Alyx is getting released, will there be a new Portal game?

    submitted by /u/TheMathKing55
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    Portal Ending but something has gone horribly, horribly wrong

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 10:09 AM PST

    My friend managed to mess up door physics

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 04:02 PM PST

    Gay and Lesbian Alliance and Disk Operating System. (GlaDOS vector courtesy of u/omniarch127). A Portal Sbubby I made.

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 02:06 PM PST

    what if, since they're making half life Alyx, they make portal Mel?

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:55 AM PST

    I need help with something

    Posted: 14 Dec 2019 07:38 AM PST

    If you all didn't know, I'm the lead dev in a team working to create F-stop. Could I ask a favor for anybody who has access to the Portal 1 textures? Can you link the textures in a png/jpeg format for the door and the floor button? I need to make sure my textures match, and if not, I need to edit them. Thank you all!

    - Eli

    submitted by /u/EliReadIT
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