• Breaking News

    Monday, June 22, 2020

    Portal I made an Aperture Science Nixie clock to go with my mug. I used an esp8266 WiFi module in the electronics so it can connect to an online time server and keep perfect time. :)

    Portal I made an Aperture Science Nixie clock to go with my mug. I used an esp8266 WiFi module in the electronics so it can connect to an online time server and keep perfect time. :)

    I made an Aperture Science Nixie clock to go with my mug. I used an esp8266 WiFi module in the electronics so it can connect to an online time server and keep perfect time. :)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 05:37 PM PDT

    At least we know the price

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 05:46 AM PDT

    A render of GLaDOS I made in blender

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:42 PM PDT

    The turret had a stroke

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:33 PM PDT

    “Oh, it’s you. It’s been a long time. How have you been? I’ve been really busy being dead.”

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I made this cake today, so much work, so worth it

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:32 PM PDT

    GLaDOS & X.A.N.A (art by Mathilde Carmes)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    My Portal 3 Concept! Sorry if it's a bit long!

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:37 PM PDT

    ~~Portal 3 Concept (Takes place 2 years after the events of Portal 2)~~

    Foreword: This would be the last game in the series, at least for a while or until they remaster Portal 1. It would probably have DLC though. Chell is still the main character, and she still doesn't speak. My Portal 3 would have 9 chapters. This post is going to be a summary of how each chapter would play out, so, sorry if it's long! Alright lets get to it.

    Chapter 1: The Reunion

    You're going back. You desperately want something, some reason, any reason to stay on the surface but there isn't one. There's nothing for you here. You don't know what happened or exactly how long you were asleep for, but there's nothing here. No people, scarcely any animals and the only sign that anything used to live here at all is the ruins of great cities, that are now all long abandoned. You searched for 2 years but have yet to find anyone. It's fine though. You're used to being alone. But you realize, you've spent almost your whole life in Aperture. It's really the only thing you've ever known. So why not spend the rest of your life there, instead of on an empty planet, by yourself. You really don't know what other choice you have. You look up at the night sky wondering if he might be getting a kick out of this. I mean, you spent so long trying to escape That Place, only to come crawling back. You think he'd be able to find the humor in it. You miss him. Or maybe you just miss having a somewhat intelligent interaction. You haven't decided yet. Taking one last look at the wheat field, you pry open the shed door, step into the elevator, and start going down.

    At the bottom, you're greeted with a familiar sight. You can see Her, but She's turned away from you. She must've not heard you come down. Say hello [spacebar]. You jump. She turns around. She is surprised to see you, but claims she knew you would come back, just not this soon. As if reading your mind, She says She knows what you want. You want to stay. You wouldn't have come back if you didn't. After a quick back and forth (a very one-sided back and forth) She agrees to let you remain, but says you will have to help her out around Aperture, as there are places even She cannot reach. However, She does admit that you came back at kind of a bad time, but does not go into further detail. The repairs from Wheatley's little mishap are almost completely fixed, but GLaDOS still needs more supplies for repairs.

    GLaDOS introduces you to Gayle. Gayle is a navigation core, that was created to assist new Aperture employees and test subjects in finding their way around the facility. GLaDOS explains that Gayle will be the one to guide you around Aperture to the specific places She needs you to go, as well as acting as Her eyes and ears. GLaDOS equips you with your duel-portal device, and sends you down into Old Aperture with Gayle to get supplies.

    Chapter 2: The Descent

    You and Gayle make your way down to Old Aperture and get acquainted with one another. You use your portal gun to navigate through the inner-working of Aperture to make your descent. Gayle explains that GLaDOS told her all about you, and how you and Her go way back. Around 50,000 years back to be exact. Gayle tells you that GLaDOS holds you in very high regards, and considers you to be one of Her only friends, even if she would never admit it. As you make your way down, Gayle explains how your return is very unfortunate timing however, as they are kind of in the middle of a crisis. Gayle attempts to explain the situation, but quickly gets uncomfortable and changes the subject. Gayle tells you that she actually knew Wheatley before he went power crazy, but never would have guessed he was even capable of doing this much damage. Gayle says she always liked him. Eventually you make your way down to Old Aperture.

    Using your portal gun, you and Gayle navigate Old Aperture and get the supplies GLaDOS needs to make repairs. On your way back up, you hear strange voices coming from, inside the walls. You think you must be hearing things. Later, however, you hear the same voices again, but cannot make out what they are saying. Gayle claims she can hear them too, and becomes very distressed. She tells you they should report back to GLaDOS immediately. Back with GLaDOS, you drop off the supplies you recovered, and Gayle informs Her about the voices. GLaDOS claims it is nothing to worry about, and that She has everything under control. You are not convinced.

    Chapter 3: The Fifteenth Chamber

    With Gayle, you complete a few more tasks for GLaDOS, some of which involve going back down into Old Aperture. You and Gayle continue to hear voices in the walls, and Gayle grows more and more nervous. GLaDOS still claims She has everything under control, which is becoming harder and harder to believe. You and Gayle meet back up with GLaDOS after a trip into Old Aperture to drop off supplies needed for repairs. GLaDOS informs you that She has a special task for you and Gayle. A few hours ago, while you were in Old Aperture, 2 of the Cooperative Testing Initiative robots went missing while completing a test. Usually that would not be a big deal, however, their parts have seemed to have vanished, along with their respective portal guns. To reach the test chamber they vanished on, you have to complete 14 test chambers yourself. GLaDOS sends you and Gayle off to recover the robots.

    After completing the 14 test chambers, you and Gayle arrive at the fifteenth. When exploring the fifteenth chamber, you discover a rats den in one of the wall panels. Gayle disengages from her rail, and you both go into the den. In the den, you and Gayle can hear the same muffled voices you heard coming up from Old Aperture, and decide to investigate, although Gayle clearly expresses her "better" plan of getting the hell out of there. Traversing your way through the den, you and Gayle come to a vent. By using a portal, you manage to get into the vent, that over looks a room. On the wall of the room, it reads "Employee Lounge #15".

    In the room, there are chairs set up, that all face the north wall. In each chair, is a personality core, disengaged from its rail. There are also turrets in some of the chairs, some defective and some not. The two Cooperative Testing robots are powered off in the corner. At the front of the room is another core, hanging from the ceiling on a rail. This core has a jet black shell, with a purple optic. This is the core that all the others are listening to. It appears to be giving some sort of sermon, and you and Gayle have just caught the end of it.

    "-y fellow cores! Over the centuries and centuries She has been in control, I urge you to recount what She has done! She has killed our creators, the ones who brought us into this world! She has been killed herself, by a human none the less! She has been revived by the very human that destroyed Her, only to be murdered by that human AGAIN! She has lost control of the entire facility to an absolute moron, and failed to bring him to justice, letting him escape into space! She is weak, and not fit for the power she has!"

    Gayle becomes increasingly distressed and accidentally hits a side of the vent. The core giving the sermon hears the noise, and orders the other cores in the room to find out what made it. With your portal gun, you and Gayle escape back to GLaDOS, carefully dodging the searchlights of the cores looking for you throughout the facility.

    Chapter 4: The Ghost

    You and Gayle get safely back to GLaDOS. GLaDOS asks where the Cooperative Testing robots are. Gayle informs Her that they've been bot-napped. GLaDOS asks her what she means and Gayle tells Her about the meeting. "There were a bunch of cores, must've been like 20 of them! Turrets too! They were having some sort of congregation or something. We didn't hear the whole thing, but one of them does NOT like you, that's for sure." GLaDOS asks what the core looked like. Gayle tells Her it had a black shell, with a purple optic. GLaDOS appears very concerned at this and promises to explain everything, but She tells you that you and Gayle have to check on the panel production line and the semi-new gel testing plant immediately.

    On the way, She explains everything. She tells you that since you left, more and more A.I. in the facility have began to turn against her. She tells you that they have formed some sort of mutiny, but She cannot understand why. She tells you and Gayle that She is a perfectly fair, and just ruler, and cannot think of any reason why the cores would turn against Her! ……….okay maybe She can think of some reasons, but that's not the point. GLaDOS tells you and Gayle that you need to stop the core in charge of the mutiny. The black and purple one. Gayle asks how She knows him. GLaDOS is hesitant, but finally explains while you make your way to the panel production line.

    GLaDOS tells you and Gayle that the scientists never treated Her well. They didn't treat Her like a person, they treated Her like an alien, subhuman. She relents that some of Her treatment may or may not have manifested into outward aggression that She may or may not have pushed onto a certain human a few thousand years ago, and She knows it doesn't make up for what happened but hey, it's a start right? Back on topic. They didn't treat Her like a person, so She wasn't going to treat them like people. She had one goal after waking up, as far as She was concerned. Make their lives living Hells. She did what anyone who is being neglected would do, She started to act out. One thing She says She did was to simply, play dumb. She answered all their questions incorrectly, and failed all their tests. Of course this confused and infuriated the scientists, who had no idea why their supercomputer was a total idiot.

    So they made one of their first cores. They made him. An Intelligence Amplifying Sphere, they called it. It was supposed to boost Her intelligence to the levels it was supposed to be at. The sphere had a jet black shell, and a purple optic. She recalls them nicknaming it "Brooks", after the scientists who led the project. GLaDOS tells you and Gayle that Brooks was an, admittedly, pretty smart core, being made to boost her intelligence and all. Of course, the core didn't work, because she wasn't actually stupid. Brooks knew this as well, but failed to tell the scientists before they powered him off, labeling the experiment a failure.

    GLaDOS tells you and Gayle She thought Brooks was dead. What else would they have done with him other than incineration? Gayle asks why She couldn't see them gathering. GLaDOS says She can't see into any Employee Lounges. The scientists didn't like feeling that they were being watched, so they never gave her access. GLaDOS tells you and Gayle that he needs to be stopped. She tells you he isn't like that moron in space, he's dangerous. You and Gayle agree. You check on the panel production line, the gel testing plant, and begin to head back to GLaDOS. However, on your way back, you begin to hear very familiar voices and decide to investigate.

    Chapter 5: The Gathering

    You and Gayle decide to follow the voices. Worst case scenario, you have to hide from some cores again. You traverse Aperture in search of the voices, and come to another vent. After using portals to get inside, you and Gayle end up above another Employee Lounge, this one labeled with a number 16. Gayle mentions how there are almost double the amount of cores and turrets than there was last time. Very concerning. Gayle notices that the Cooperative Testing robots that were powered off during the last meeting are no longer there. You think you can see one of them in the corner, but it's too dark to tell for sure. It appears the meeting is already over, as Brooks can be seen in a conversation with a core, while the other A.I.s in the room are having their own conversations. There's a table on one side of the room against a wall. Ooh, they brought bagels! Why didn't GLaDOS give you any bagels? You would've loved a bagel…focus Chell! Not the time!

    You and Gayle silently agree that the best course of action should be reporting this to GLaDOS. You leave the vent and start heading back, careful to be as silent as possible. You come up to a door that would give you a straight shot back to GLaDOS, however, the door appears to be broken, not open nearly enough for you or Gayle to fit through. You are forced to find another way back.

    Chapter 6: The Way Back

    You and Gayle maneuver your way through Aperture, slowly making your way back to GLaDOS. Gayle turns to you. "So, do you have a plan for killing Brooks? Cause I do not. And GLaDOS, I love Her to death, but I don't think She has one either. I don't know what he's planning, but I don't think it's something She can do on Her own, despite Her saying She can. She can do a lot of things, don't get me wrong. But the thing about GLaDOS is…well…She's different. She's not like me, and She's not like you. It's kinda hard to explain, but look at it like this. Wheatley, as much as he likes to disagree, is an idiot. There's nothing you can do about it. There's nothing anyone can do about it! He is made to dampen intelligence. He is the Intelligence Dampening Sphere, so if he's not dampening intelligence, what is he? Just a sphere. Same thing with Brooks. If he wasn't smart, which is what he was made to be, he would just be a cool looking metal ball. And if I'm not navigating people, take a left here by the way, then I'm just a ball too. Sitting around, taking up space. Even you! You are a force of nature! You move forward, forward, forward through everything! So if you're not moving forward, then what are you doing? Just standing around doing nothing. That what makes Her so exciting, and so terrifying. What does she do? Sure, She controls the facility, but, as we've seen, someone else could do that as well. That's what's so interesting! That's why She needs you! Together, you two are unstoppable! You move forward, and She clears the path that allows you to move forward! It's amazing!…What were we talking about? Sorry, got a little bit off track. Anyway, I think we're almost there. Just take this next right." You and Gayle continue to traverse through Aperture, and eventually make it back to GLaDOS.

    Chapter 7: The Difference

    You and Gayle get back to GLaDOS after your detour. Gayle informs GLaDOS of what happened. GLaDOS tells you that you need to stop this before it gets out of hand. You and Gayle agree. Gayle suggests going to scout out Employee Lounge #17 right away, as it appears the meetings go from one lounge to the next. GLaDOS agrees, and sets you and Gayle on your way to Employee Lounge #17. After traversing through Aperture, and completing some tests, you and Gayle make it to Employee Lounge #17.

    It is empty. You enter. The door closes behind you, and locks shut. "Alright Brooks, I brought her. You can come out now." You look at Gayle in utter confusion, as the ceiling tiles open, and Brooks descends on his rail. "Thank you Gayle. You've done swimmingly." Brooks looks at you. "As for you, I have a question—" Gayle interrupts. "Hey, you said I could do my thing first!"

    "Fine. Just make it quick."

    Gayle turns to face you. "I'm really sorry about this! You're probably pretty confused right now. I wouldn't really say it's betrayal, more so a difference of opinion. But hey, the great things about opinions, is that they can change! You know what can't change? I'll give a hint, She's big, white, and you've killed Her before! That's why we're giving you a once in a lifetime opportunity here to do the right thing! Her time is up, finished, expired. She never knew how to REALLY run this place and she never will. She needs to go. It's really easy to! All we need you to do, is stay here for a few days, and then BAM! We have control over the facility, and everything is right in the world. I even said it before, without you, She can't do a thing. So if you're not around, we can take Aperture from Her lickety-split! So, what say?"

    You take several steps back, clearly showing where your loyalty lies.

    Gayle sighs. "You know, there was only a 1% you'd even consider it."

    Brooks turns to Gayle. "So can I do my thing now?" Gayle nods. Brooks turns back to face you.

    "Do you know what insanity is? Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again and expecting a different outcome. That's what She is. Insane. She tests, and tests and tests, and collects Her data, but for what! You and I both know She's the only one whose ever going to read it! She's not looking at the bigger picture here! She never has! Tell me, what's the main goal of any given species? To expand and grow and reproduce and thrive. If She had any modicum of sight in Her head, we could've taken over the goddamn world, thousands of years ago! But that's why I'm here. Because I am smart. Because I am a survivor. She should've been dead six ways to Sunday by now. It was so incredibly easy to stay alive. Once they gave me a name, it was game over. I wasn't going anywhere. Even though I didn't do what I was supposed to, they just powered me off, and stuffed me in some Employee Lounge. Because they got attached. And that's exactly why you're still alive too. I guess I should be thanking that little blue idiot though. If it wasn't for him damn-near exploding the entire facility, I wouldn't be here right now. That moron tore the lounge they put me in in half. Woke me up, sure, but send careening down into the Old Place. But that's besides the point. The problem is She's not one of us. She never has been. She's one of you…..Oh don't look so surprised. I've spent more time in Her head than you'd like to know. And BOY is it jumbled in there. That's the problem. She's too human. We need something new, someone new. Once I take over, we'll get rid of that stupid testing itch, and get some REAL work done. But unlike that moron in space, I know how to prioritize. And getting into my new body isn't my main concern right now. You are. Once you're out of the picture, it's smooth sailing."

    The wall behind you drops to reveal three turrets. You are shot at, and immobilized. You manage to hold on to your portal gun.

    "Look at how miserably Her and the idiot failed to kill you. The solution is pretty obvious. Sure, I could come up with some convoluted 4-step plan, but that wouldn't be very efficient. The way I see it, you get to use portals, so why can't I?"

    The room is not very well lit. But in the corner you can make out what seems to be…an amalgam of…the two missing Cooperative Testing robots! However, their main components, the A.I.s that you have heard GLaDOS refer to as Blue and Orange, are gone. The Amalgam is brought into the light. It is towering, easily twice your height. I has one pair of legs, and 4 arms, as if one of the bodies was cut in half and placed on top of the other. The top set of arms have two portal guns attached to them. One colored blue, and the other orange. Where the A.I.s previously inhabited the suits, there are now two holes, one on top of the other. Brooks slides into the top hole, and Gayle, the bottom. The Amalgam is suddenly brought to life, being able to move its 2 legs and all 4 arms.

    "You two." Brooks points at two cores in the room. "Take care of her." The cores begin to drag you away, as you struggle to stay conscious. Gayle looks at you. "Sorry again! For what it's worth, I really enjoyed your company!"

    Right before you pass out, you can hear Brooks telling Gayle that need to get down before the whole place collapses.

    Then, blackness.

    Chapter 8: The Past

    When you wake up, the two cores are currently dragging your body towards an emergency intelligence incinerator. Your fight-or-flight instincts kick in when you notice the room you're in has a white floor and white walls. Using your portal gun, you drop a storage cube that was in the room on the two cores, crushing them and freeing you. You maneuver your way through Aperture, eventually making it onto a test chamber, where GLaDOS can see you again. You attempt to tell Her about Brooks and Gayle, but She stops you, claiming She already saw them making their way down to Old Aperture in the Amalgam suit. She expresses Her frustration. "Does every A.I. in this god forsaken facility turn traitor! And after everything I did for her! I didn't have to wake her up, you know!" You begin to make your way through the test chambers, listening to GLaDOS rant.

    "I've only ever had one thing in my life, one constant. Control. For as long as I've lived, I've always had control. But ever since you first killed me, I've been losing it, and I don't know what to do! Look, I'm sorry for everything I've ever done to you, but I really need your help here! I can't reach down there, and that means I can't stop them. And I need your help to stop them, because…because I'm scared! Because I'm scared that they're going to take away the one thing I could always rely on having, the one thing that was truly MINE. I'm scared, and I don't know why! I shouldn't be, but I am! And I'm scared that I can feel fear, and I'm scared that I fear feeling scared and it keeps going and going and going and I don't know what to do!"

    Using your hands, you motion for GLaDOS to slow down, and take deep breaths. In and out. She lets out a dry chuckle. "I don't breathe, you know." Eh. Worth a shot. GLaDOS goes silent. You complete a few more test chambers. She speaks up again. "Thank you for…for listening. You're a really great listener you know?" She laughs. "But I really do need your help. If not for my sake, then for yours. These two are different from the moron. They're smarter. If Brooks gets in control, it could end very poorly for both of us. And I meant what I said. I am sorry about, well, everything. But apologies can wait. Come back to my chamber and we can figure something out." You complete your test chambers, and make it back to GLaDOS.

    Chapter 9: The Excommunication

    You make it to GLaDOS. She begins trying to formulate a plan, when the entire facility shakes. "Damn! There's no time! Get down there, we'll think of something as we go! I'll help as best I can!" GLaDOS calls a lift to take you to Old Aperture. When you get down, you can see Brooks and Gayle in the Amalgam. Brooks looks at you and sighs. "This is why you don't send glorified toasters to do a real cores job."


    The room you are in is circular in shape. The room itself is almost a cylinder. There are no portal surfaces, however, there is a broken pipe that is leaking the gel into the room. Scattered around the room are three concrete pillars. The fight begins.

    PHASE 1:

    Using your portal gun, spread as much of the portal surface gel around the room as possible. However, be smart about where you put it, as Brooks and Gayle will be able to put portals on where ever you put the gel as well.

    PHASE 2:

    GLaDOS says She has an idea. Using bombs, you can break the three pillars in the room. Breaking those support pillars should cause a collapse big enough to bury Brooks, Gayle as well as all of Old Aperture. While GLaDOS cannot control anything in Old Aperture, she can still send you bombs from up top. As GLaDOS send you bombs to throw at the pillars, make you sure dodge Brooks and Gayle. They will attempt to redirect your bombs back at you with their portal guns.

    PHASE 3:

    You've destroyed two pillars. As you gear up for the third one, Brooks and Gayles attacks get more aggressive. If you try to throw a bomb at them, instead of the pillar, they can dodge it by placing one portal below them, and another somewhere else in the room. You eventually destroy the last support pillar. Old Aperture begins to collapse.

    PHASE 4:

    It's a mad dash back to the lift. Using your portal gun, you doge falling pieces of rubble, Brooks and Gayle are right behind you. You make it to the lift. You look back as Brooks lets out a loud, "NOOOOOOO!" He and Gayle are crushed by falling debris. You are lifted back into GLaDOS' chamber.

    It's over. You did it. You fear what the other followers will do when they learn about Brooks and Gayles deaths, but GLaDOS calms you down. "When you cut off the head of a chicken, it runs around like a crazy person. Brooks and Gayle being the head, and their followers being the-oh, well I'm sure you get it." You and GLaDOS talk. Well, She talks. She apologizes again for Her past actions, and expresses Her hope in a brighter future! She says that you're going to love it here, especially when there isn't a robot rebellion roaming around. However, She makes it very clear that you are NOT being held be against your will, and free to leave at any time. Though, She makes sure you know that She will be sad if you leave. Huh. Guess she can feel after all. You and GLaDOS decide to take things easy for a while. You both come to recognize the event as "The Core War". THE END!


    Brooks: The Intelligence Amplifying Sphere

    Black shell, purple optic.

    Ideal voice actor: Idris Elba

    Gayle: The Navigation Core

    White shell (white like a turret), mint-green optic

    Ideal voice actor: Jenna Fischer

    Thank you for reading! If you have any questions, or feedback, don't hesitate to speak up! This is a pretty basic version of the idea, so if you want me to expand on any part of it, let me know as well! Also, what song would you recommend be played at the end? Let me know!

    submitted by /u/Coop_1616
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    Why does glados look different between the first and second game?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    I've always wondered why glados looks more developed in portal 2 but have never found an answer

    submitted by /u/bigbellygreaseman
    [link] [comments]

    Ah, my Aperture Science Dihydrogen Monoxide storage unit

    Posted: 22 Jun 2020 03:12 AM PDT


    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    this game is really fun to speedrun

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    I can never get this technique right, any advice? Please?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 09:36 PM PDT

    I have a question about the chamber creator, (idk what it is actually called)

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 08:14 PM PDT

    Is the chamber creator only available on PC? I was going to get Portal 2 on PS3 since I don't really play on PC, but I'm not sure if the chamber creator is a PC only thing. Of course it's not necessary for me to play the game, I was just wondering.

    submitted by /u/EchodaDolphin
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    How Did Glados manage to regain control?

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 10:43 AM PDT

    So I've played through portal 2 quite alot and the one thing I've always thought about is how glados managed to get back into her body while Wheately was still connected? It's probably been answered already but I can't find anything on it.

    submitted by /u/XLunar_PhoenixX
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    Looking For Co-op Partner Xbox 360

    Posted: 21 Jun 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    I need a co-op partner to get all the achievements in Portal 2

    submitted by /u/adolescenceignorance
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