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    Sunday, February 23, 2020

    Portal Mods are asleep commence animal king takeover

    Portal Mods are asleep commence animal king takeover

    Mods are asleep commence animal king takeover

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 05:33 AM PST

    Badly drawn Chell snoo

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:36 PM PST

    Painted my phonecase with my favourite things recently (slimes found the portal!)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:10 PM PST

    Happy cake day to my lil bro who got a portal gun!... And a companion cube... And a little turret... And a portal cake...

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:38 AM PST

    Tried making the Aperture logo out of scraps of wood.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:42 PM PST

    Coding Adventure: Portals

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:27 AM PST

    Sorry for not posting in a while, but I just made an improvement to my Wheatley skin. What do you think?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 01:52 AM PST

    Whoever did this must be a bloody genius!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:30 PM PST

    Fun fact about a certain scene involving lemons! (SPOILERS FOR PORTAL 2)

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:53 PM PST

    A portal phone wallpaper. (Made for u/totallynotbrendan )

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:21 PM PST

    PC Split Screen Challenge Mode?

    Posted: 23 Feb 2020 02:18 AM PST

    Does it record times or no? Because the system considers Split Screen cheating?

    submitted by /u/EvilManifested
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    portal co-op in an airport

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:51 PM PST

    portal co-op in an airport

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:57 PM PST

    Portal2 Crashing problem.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 07:49 PM PST

    I've got problems on new pc that game crashes in SP near dock station. This happens for like 1 year now. Not sure if it is because of my PC specs, since old pc was 100% fine. New specs: AMD CPU Ryzen 5 2600, GPU RX 580 AMD, dual channel ram 16 gb Things i tired: Verifying game cache, re-installing game, putting everything to low, removing custom binds. Also if matters: game is running Russian language, no sourcemods installed. Also sometimes steam client crashes along with game

    submitted by /u/codera_
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    Portal Wallpapers

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:41 AM PST

    Are there any good phone wallpapers from portal 1/2? For reference, I have a phone with a resolution of 2,160 x 1,080.

    submitted by /u/totallynotbrendan
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    I just finished Portal 2 for the first time - and I have mixed feelings

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 03:11 PM PST


    I've played Portal 1 when it was released, and was really impressed with it, but it seemed to me (and maybe straight up WAS in fact) more a proof of concept and an extended tutorial than a full game. If I payed full triple-a price for it, I probably would've been annoyed (but wasn't, since it came in the Orange Box with Episode 2 and Team Fortress 2, both great games).

    I've HAD Portal 2 for years, but somehow never played it. Until very recently.

    And… well… while I liked it A LOT and was AGAIN very impressed with it on a technical level, and I consider it a brilliant expansion upon the base ideas of Portal 1 (and wouldn't mind paying full price for 2, as opposed to 1 – it was a fully fleshed out, polished game experience)…

    But… I have kinda… mixed feelings about it and it didn't fulfill my expectations FULLY. Or so I feel, at least.

    From the technical standpoint it was great – it quickly re-introduced the basic mechanics of Portal 1 and then just KEPT ADDING MORE AND MORE, and expanding upon those new ones, and combining them, and piling on possibilities. I was REALLY impressed with the amount of new mechanics introduced – the different gels (bouncing/sliding/surface-coating) added so much possibility. I can't even imagine what that allows the community to create.

    There were even sequences I found rather impressive GRAPHICALLY (the various moving debris when something was getting destroyed, the sheer SCOPE of Aperture Laboratories seen all around you and all that) – and that's saying something for a game that's more than a couple of years old now.

    It was also rather challenging for me – and overall I (alas) found out that I'm monumentally stupid while playing it, at least in the aspects that this game tests. I often got stuck on pretty simple things, because I was so set in my "imagined" solution that I didn't investigate other options, even when they were very easy. I DO have a flimsy excuse of (technically speaking) having brain damage, but still, I was really embarassed by my overall performance.

    But the thing is… despite SUCKING at playing it, I still had a lot of fun with Portal 2, and I guess it's a testament to the quality of the game.

    The humor was still there, and I found Wheatley to be a great new addition as a character (just his voiceacting alone was pretty superb, not taking into account the actual writing).

    But I didn't really… engage with the story. My main problem? It seemed TOO humorous to be taken seriously. Like… it straight-up broke my suspension of disbelief at times when I listened to Cave Johnson's insane ramblings and thought – "how was this guy not immediately removed from the CEO position?" He kept telling the subjects outright about giving them tumors, doing illegal stuff, trying to turn human blood into gasoline (lol) and all kinds of insane ploys, many of which seemed to actually also be impossible. I can't imagine any reasonable board of directors, or shareholders or whoever condoning and engaging with what Cave Johnson had Aperture Science spent it's money on.

    Like, to make another example: early on I suspected that the pre-recorded PSA system messages are actually a cover of GLADOS, because it was just so insane that I couldn't rationalize in my mind that Aperture Science would actually SPEND MONEY to record audio about an "Animal King Takeover" scenario in advance.

    In addition to all that, I was a little disappointed with how little Portal 2 elaborated upon the broader context linking it with Half-Life – I was definitely expecting something more than just name dropping Black Mesa a few times. And to be honest – it was the link wit the overall bleak, serious Half Life storyline that made the humor immersion-breaking for me. And in the end the links were pretty weak overall, so it seems like a DOUBLE wasted opportunity. I think I would've enjoyed Portal 2 a lot more if it was it's own story entirely, in it's own, completely insane world.

    I also was not really a fan of Wheatleys "plot-twist", because it failed to adress one of my questions – if he wasn't a pawn of GLADOS wanting to give you false hope (which was my initial guess), WHY would she even LET HIM put himself back together after she destroyed him? For all intents and purposes he ended up being a massive thorn in her side.

    I was also… mmm… somewhat letdown by the ending, because it didn't really explain anything either. You just leave. The same thing happened at the end of PORTAL 1 in fact (save for the fact that then you got taken back). I would've liked some more expansive conclusion when it comes to providing information (and maybe the aforementioned linking it to Half-Life). Although it made me wonder where does Portal 2 fit in the timeline – I always assumed it was during or after the events of HL2 (GLADOS making several remarks about the poor state of the outside world), but the unspoilt field at the end seemed to contradict that, given the state of flora and fauna in HL2.

    So… overall I'm definitely HAPPY I played Portal 2 and I was really impressed with it as a puzzle game, but not really satisfied with what it brought to the table narratively. What do you think – do you share some of my opinions, or do you think I'm just bonkers? I'm definitely an idiot when it comes to actual puzzle solving, so perhaps one shouldn't put much stock into my overall opinions. :P

    If you want to see how much I sucked at Portal 2 (warning: a lot) and you want to feel better about your own performance, you can take a look at it at my Youtube channel here:


    submitted by /u/Little-Dwarf
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