• Breaking News

    Friday, February 28, 2020

    Portal i saw these from a distance and thought they were selling companion cubes at target :,)

    Portal i saw these from a distance and thought they were selling companion cubes at target :,)

    i saw these from a distance and thought they were selling companion cubes at target :,)

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 06:09 PM PST

    Thanks for all the positive comments on my last post, they inspired me to make an actual drawing. Hope you guys like it too.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 09:44 AM PST

    The Reddit cake is a lie

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 01:39 AM PST

    The cake is a lie

    submitted by /u/nono30082
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    So... Anyone else think GLaDOS can't outright kill test subjects? I think she has to make it a test with a chance to survive.

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:25 AM PST

    It'd explain why she never just kills us outright, or drops us in an unwinnable scenario. She is so driven to test, test, test, and just endlessly test... She can't.

    There must be a win scenario, no matter how improbable.

    submitted by /u/Mistah_Blue
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    Petition to put portal on switch

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 02:02 PM PST

    My space core drawing

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 08:40 AM PST

    Timeline of Portal 2 - 50,000 years?!?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 03:35 PM PST

    So I've been reading about the timeline of the Portal and Half-Life games just now, and I see lots of people saying Portal 2 takes place "50,000 years at least" after Portal 1. This idea comes from a line spoken by an electronic voice at the beginning of Portal 2 and from an official statement supposedly made in a making-of document entitled "The Final Hours of Portal 2".

    It surprised me because I was under the impression that it was widely accepted that it isn't known when the game takes place exactly. So is this 50,000 years thing really a widely-accepted idea? Because frankly, if that's true, all suspension of disbelief is kind of out the window for me.

    Chell asleep for 25 years? Sure. 50 years? Sure. 100 years? Okay. 1000 years? Wow, pretty crazy, but I can maybe still buy it.

    But 50,000 years??? That's so astronomically absurd and unbelievable that it completely destroys any sense of believability the series had for me. I cannot believe that the lab, without any maintenance whatsoever, would still be functioning to any degree after that long.

    There are a couple other reasons I don't buy this idea. The lab itself is in ruins, for sure, but it's still got a certain level of functioning to it. I can't believe that it wouldn't have far, far more decay and be completely absent of any working power source after so many years. (Yes, the facility probably had its own internal power sources, but even those shouldn't be functioning unmanned after so long without GLaDOS conscious to operate everything.) And when Chell finally does escape at the end of Portal 2, she sees a big field of pretty-mundane, everyday looking wheat (or long, yellow grass, I can't tell for sure which) and there's a little metal shack she exits the laboratory from that certainly does not have 500 centuries worth of rust decay upon it and could not possibly be still standing after that long. So, that's supposed to be earth circa 52,000 AD? I don't buy it.

    The line spoken in the beginning about Chell having been in stasis for "9...9...9...9...9..." etc. seemed to me to be so obviously pointing to the fact that the computerized time tracker, just like everything else in that room, was simply not functioning properly, not actually saying she's been away for exactly that amount of time. When I found out people were taking that number seriously, I honestly couldn't believe it.

    There's probably more specific evidence in the game to suggest that 50,000 years is out of the question, but it's been a while since I've played it through.

    Now there's the matter of Valve supposedly on record saying that it truly was meant to take place 50,000 years after Portal 1. I'd say this is undeniable evidence, but without the statement on hand I can't know for sure what they meant. It's possible that that was the original idea but didn't pan out in the end (like many of their original ideas for Portal 2). But frankly, even if they did say it takes place that far in the future, I don't believe they did at all a good job of depicting that visually or explaining logically how that could be the case with everything still looking and functioning the way it does.

    In my head-canon it only really makes sense taking place between 20-100 years after Portal 1. I don't mean to belittle anyone that does believe this idea but for me it just absolutely makes no sense (and kind of insults my intellect a little, unless there are preservative forces of nature or science I'm presently unaware of), and I'm curious how many people there are on either side of this thing.

    submitted by /u/Mister_Galaga
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    Different ways to play portal?

    Posted: 28 Feb 2020 02:58 AM PST

    I keep playing portal and portal 2 over and over (I can't get enough lmao) but playing story mode the same ways started to feel a bit repetitive. I guess I'm looking for some ways to jazz it up a bit? Any suggestions?

    submitted by /u/ffl275
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    I'm in the process of building portal mirrors, does anyone know the ratio of width to length of the portals?

    Posted: 27 Feb 2020 07:50 AM PST

    My best guess is coming from some google images results and comparing pixels with each other.

    I found it to be about a 10x17 ratio.

    Does anyone know better?

    submitted by /u/IsItSetToWumbo
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