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    Thursday, September 30, 2021

    Portal Say apple

    Portal Say apple

    Say apple

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:58 PM PDT

    Do you notice something?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    hmm, today i will attach personality cores to the AI to prevent it from emmiting deadly neurotoxin through the whole facility

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 02:05 PM PDT


    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 04:28 AM PDT


    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 11:58 AM PDT

    Deltarune Chapter 6 Leaked!!

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 02:36 PM PDT

    Hey guys

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    That's cool

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    hey please read this

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    i want to play portal 2 coop but I cant find anyone if anyone wants to play with me please here my steam https://steamcommunity.com/id/gogo6050/

    please add me and we play I hope ur not mean and don't swear a lot thanks

    submitted by /u/Progaming7
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    What mods should I play after Portal 1 and 2

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 08:36 PM PDT

    So I finished Portal 2 two weeks ago and I need MORE.

    What should I play next?

    submitted by /u/SouthyTR
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    A full playthrough

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    Wanna Help Me Build GLaDOS?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    So I have a DIY goal but I need help from lots of people, so I figured I'd post it here, and also on Imgur (https://imgur.com/gallery/q37zPfG). So I'm trying to build a custom home assistant (like Alexa or Google Home) with Mycroft AI (https://mycroft.ai/) that has the voice of GLaDOS from the Portal games, and responds to the wake word 'Hey GLaDOS' rather than 'Hey Mycroft' which is the default for Mycroft AI. The IDEAL goal is to then put that into a moving GLaDOS robot using this build guide: (https://www.instructables.com/A-fully-3D-printable-GlaDOS-Robotic-ceiling-arm-la/) but we gotta start somewhere. So far, I have the AI working okay, but she still messes up fairly regularly. What I need is more data. And adding more of my own voice will only marginally improve the AI. What I really need is different voices. Lots of them. That's where you'd come in if you feel like helping out. I've posted a vid showing what I have so far, using 'Hey GLaDOS' in several correct and incorrect pronunciations (I want it to account for reasonable mispronunciations as well). I was able to post more on Imgur but it seems I can only upload one here. As you can see, my cat is very upset I'm not giving him attention while trying to show this to you guys. Don't worry, I gave him all the cuddles afterwards.

    Anyways, I tried to find the easiest way to transfer sound files without compressing them too much, that also allows me to not share like, my email or phone number. It didn't look like you can message sound files on reddit? Anyways, Soundcloud seemed to be the best option. Let me know in the comments if there is a better way. Here's my Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/wilson-diy-889372472

    So what I need is roughly ~4 examples of each voice saying the wake word (Hey GLaDOS) in correct or reasonably incorrect pronunciations, and ~12 examples of each voice saying fake wake words. Here are some examples I could think of, but best to come up with your own: 'Hey laddy,' 'Hey Lados,' 'Hey bahdos,' 'my tapas,' etc. More data is always better, but ~4 and ~12 seem like a good balance to make what I'm asking reasonable, while still being enough to be helpful. If I could even get a handful of people it'd still make a difference, I've run out of family and friends to ask.

    Thanks so much in advance! If people are interested I can post progress every now and then as I continue my project. There WILL be cake if I manage to finish this.

    submitted by /u/GLaDOSHomeAssistant
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    Rattman in Portal 2?

    Posted: 29 Sep 2021 06:13 PM PDT

    Hi! Just wanted to ask a question:

    I heard that Portal 2 takes place LOOONG into the future, far past Portal 1's events. If that's true, then how is Doug Rattman alive after all these years?

    submitted by /u/Bizarely27
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